• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • I played Superhot first on the Deck. Since time only moves (much) when you’re moving, you have lots of time to practice aiming and getting used to track pads/stick + gyro controls. It requires precise aiming, and there are occasional times where speed helps, so it was a good “training” game for me.

    It’s still not as natural as KB+mouse, but I’ve been enjoying Ziggurat 2 a lot (on normal difficulty). I won’t push into hard modes, like I would on PC, but it’s working well for me.

  • blindsight@beehaw.orgtoScience Memes@mander.xyzElsevier
    18 days ago

    This is probably the avenue to shut this down. If funding is contingent on making the publication freely available to download, and that comes from a major government funding source, then this whole scam could die essentially overnight.

    That would need to somehow get enough political support to pass muster in the first place and pass the inevitable legal challenge that follows, too. So, really, this is just another example of regulatory capture ruining everything.

  • To be fair to Loblaws, I’ve never seen them change prices with these mid-day, so they’re not engaged in “surge pricing” that I’ve heard of. (I haven’t been to Loblaws since the start of the boycott, but I don’t expect it’s changed.)

    But I do wonder about the legality of that; right now, if the price at the till doesn’t match the item price, you get the first one free and the rest at the marked price (up to $10 items; above that it’s $10 off the marked price for the first item). But my impression is that policy is from Loblaws signing some sort of grocery code ages ago when scanners came in, essentially to assure consumers that they wouldn’t be scammed by scanners ringing up items at higher prices than advertised. I don’t think that is legally mandated.

    So, then, what happens if the price changes between when you put it in your cart and when you arrive at the till? Anyone engaging in surge pricing where the timing isn’t clearly marked in advance is going to get into a lot of trouble with consumer backlash, at the very least, but I hope it’s illegal, too.

  • This seems like it might work really well. We’ve evolved to be social creatures, and internalizing the emotions of others is literally baked into our DNA (mirror neurons), so filtering out the emotional “noise” from customers seems, to me, like a brilliant way to improve the working conditions for call centre workers.

    It’s not like you can’t also tell the emotional tone of the caller based on the words they’re saying, and the call centre employees will know that voices are being changed.

    Also, I’m not so sure about reporting on anonymous Redditor comments as the basis for journalism. I know why it’s done, but I’d rather hear what a trained psychologist has to say about this, y’know?

  • Well said, and you touched on one of the things I like most about Behhaw, that people are actually willing to put effort into writing with sufficient depth to address complex topics authentically, and others are willing to read everything and respond in good faith, even when they disagree.

    I browse Beehaw’s somewhat-curated-by-defederation /everything quite frequently, too, and I rarely ever have any snarky replies to my comments. It’s lovely. Granted, conversation threads are generally quite small, but I don’t need an endless firehose of content, so that’s not a problem.

    I don’t have any other Lemmy accounts to compare, but I didn’t enjoy reading /everything from a Lemmy app that pulls from it’s own feed instead of your logged-in instance feed. On Reddit, I mostly enjoyed smaller niche subs, and very few of the popular ones.

  • Where I live, that would mean tomorrow I’d work over 14 hours.

    Even if we adjust it so it’s 1 hour of sunlight before work* and 3 hours after (for an 8-hour day on average), I’d work 12 hours tomorrow, but only 4 hours in December. No thanks!

    *For health, sunlight is most important for waking up, so 1 hour of sunlight before work gives just 1 hour to wake up and get to work. Anything less is sacrificing health for evening sunlight.)

    Edit: It would probably be good for SAD in the winter, though, encouraging people to be outside during the daylight hours instead of at work. I could get on board with reduced work hours in winter. ;)

  • In Canada, I’ve never bothered with a VPN. Nobody in Canada has ever been successfully sued for torrent downloading of media, and BC courts have thrown out mass John Doe cases as a waste of the legal system’s time.

    Even if it does go to court, there’s a principal in Canadian law that damages can be at most three times the value of the good (for punitive damages). For BluRay that’s, what, $50? They don’t want to go all the way to a judgement to set the legal precedent of a $150 judgement.

    Even if courts go beyond treble damages, there’s a maximum fine of $5000 for non-commercial infringement. Even that isn’t with their legal costs to pursue.

    So non-commercial piracy is de facto legal in Canada.

    (IANAL, this is not legal advice.)