wouldnt go as far as saying that hasan is a decent human being. no doubt, i rank im way higher than elmo. but that guy is still problematic on so many levels even if his believes align here there with my own. but to apply even more nuance to my shitpost: the most unfair part of my post was to generelise an individual single dev beeing the entirety of the soulless corporation of ubisoft.
/hmm, lots of fans around here. idk how one can fall for this disingenuous fuckface. but you do you.
tbh not in the mood to argue with you about it. if your a hasan fan. fair enough. i’m not. as i said i dont consider him as bad as elon, not even in the same ball park. but i still consider him shit. i was even subscribed to him a few years ago. i’ve seen enough first hand. my views on him arent filtered through takes of others.
so i was about to give you the win by going silent and just leave it be.
fuck off. get bent. posted as a leftist.