I disagree, Sony’s feature is fundamentally different. It allows developers to create quick-load shortcuts for different activities in a given game. Like having multiple open world objectives/missions where you can choose which one to continue from the system menu. Microsoft’s feature is all about resuming where you were directly as if you put the system to sleep with that game running.
While generally true, I believe there’s a lot of weird custom wireless communication out there. Plenty of mice and keyboards refuse to communicate over a standard HID protocol which leads many to not work for enterprise type devices / appliances. Anything with an HID / Console port (like some KVMs) for management will just not respond properly to key presses even if the downstream usb host can detect presses properly. This is extremely nuanced and not at all the same as something like Logitech G-Hub only being windows so customizing the buttons / RGB on the M/K is a questionable adventure for normal users.