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Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • It heavily depends how you define an act of terrorism. There’s a difference between acts of terrorism and rebellion, although it isn’t a clear distinction.

    Is it a good thing that we’re talking about Israel Palestine though? We’re talking about it because innocent people have died, and Israel is seeming like they’re going to do something horrific to innocent people too. How does this help the Palestinians undergoing genocide? The Hamas attack has turned a lot of sentiment against Palestine, which is unfair for the civilians.

    I understand wanting to call attention to an issue, but the manner by which you do that matters a lot. I can bring attention to any issue I want by claiming it as manifesto when I slaughter innocent people, but it isn’t positive attention in the slightest.

    The nonviolent protest for civil rights in the US was successful because it was a very palatable alternative to the black panthers. Hamas already exists for Palestine. A nonviolent protest in Israel against their policies would’ve garnered positive attention to them, and possibly even worked.

  • Uhhhh. No. That’s not how it went at all. Rich Jews did not get to live in comfort, they had their wealth stolen and were killed all the same. Nazism was ethnic cleansing, antisemitism, and purging society of the “unideal”, rich or poor. The only German Jews who I think could get amnesty were those who fought for Germany in WW1 – soldiers do not tend to be rich, and their families were not extended the same amnesty, from what I recall. Otto Frank had military service but it did not save his family.

    It’s rather disgusting to ignore the antisemitism and homophobia that led to genocides and reduce it to only economics.

  • I actually agree with your opinion, but that’s not why you were downvoted. It was because you concluded it had to be messages in support of Palestinians that were being deleted.

    Look at the comment I’m replying to. It’s net positive at this time, 7-3. The issue isn’t what you’re saying at all – this comment is incredibly sensible and very apt condemnation of Israel’s government.

    The issue was the people who not only believed that, but also believed the Hamas was justified in killing civilians and everything else they did. That Hamas got a pass for it all because they were fighting Israel.

    That should strike you and me as not only disgusting, but incredibly ironic. The extremes of this issue actually make the exact same argument, that X is justified in all its actions because Y wronged them. They just switch X and Y, and pick events from history that support their claim – and there are events which fit both.