• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I think that makes a lot of sense though. I think if he only discussed the nuance and complexity that people would assume these differences would be huge, and suddenly their coffee would start emitting rays of holy light or something.

    It’s very complex, and it does make a difference, but in the end it is what is considered fine tuning by a lot of people. And once you understand that, then you can let your mind zoom into those details and it will no longer be fine tuning.

  • Hard disagree. I think Java is objectively bad.

    I can give Rust to a completely inexperienced dev straight out if high school and they will be able to write a multi threaded program without data races since Rust was designed so that isn’t possible. That’s one example of many.

    Even null is something the creator of null said was an objective mistake, and that concept is embedded into Java, while it doesn’t exist in Rust.

    Learning Rust to the point where your code is correct is absolutely not hard at all, which is why it’s so bizarre when people create projects like this.

  • LMAO, Sublinks devs are so engrained in Java that they want to rewrite Rust in Java, and their survey they send is written in Office 365? They’re a meme.

    The Java idea is absurd and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    I disagree with the Lemmy devs’ political views a great deal, but:

    1. It’s open source so you can audit if they’re doing anything bad
    2. Just fork it and improve if you have issues with the code they’re writing / features

    Java is a horrible language. Nearly every developer I’ve talked to in the last several decades agrees, even previously hardcore Java devs. Please just stop.

  • I saw some discussion on Reddit that implied that would be very hard or very different. If I recall correctly:

    1. The ingredients aren’t the same
    2. The way TWW mixes things means you get a reliable, even distribution of the ingredients. Mixing at home would be very hard to do at gallon sizes.
    3. Gallon is too large for me - I prefer liter, and TWW offers liter sized packets. That makes it even more difficult for me to get a correct ingredient distribution.

    But again, I might be misremembering something.