• 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2024


  • I’m really enjoying Otterwiki. Everything is saved as markdown, attachments are next to the markdown files in a folder, and version control is integrated with a git repo. Everything lives in a directory and the application runs from a docker container.

    It’s the perfect amount of simplicity and is really just a UI on top of fully portable standard tech.

  • To elaborate further from the other comment, it’s a person running a copy of the Lemmy software on their server. I for example am running mine (and seeing this thread) from https://zemmy.cc. Thanks to Federation all of our different servers are able to talk to each other so we can have a shared experience rather than everyone being on one centralized instance managed by one set of administrators (like reddit is).

    This provides resilience to the network. If reddit goes down, reddit is down. If lemmy.world goes down, you can still access the content of every community that isn’t on lemmy.world, and if other servers were subscribed to the content on a community from lemmy.world you could still see the content from before the server went offline (and it will resync once it’s back up).

    If we put all of our eggs into a single basket, we have a single point of failure. If all of the major communities go to lemmy.world then lemmy.world is that single point of failure. Doing that is effectively just recreating the same issues we had with reddit but with extra steps. By spreading larger communities across servers we ensure that the outage (or permanent closure) of a single instance doesn’t take down half the active communities with it.

  • You’re saying this like Firefox is adding the shitty standard because they want to, and not because Google used their monopoly to force adoption of the shitty standard forcing Firefox to follow suit if they don’t want their users to have a broken experience.

    If Google introduces a shitty standard to YouTube and Firefox doesn’t adopt it, do you honestly think users are going to care or understand and blame Google? No, they’ll get pissed because they think Firefox broke YouTube and they’ll move to Chrome.

    This exact situation played out with shadow DOM, Google implemented it into YouTube while it was still a draft standard, so all non-Chrome browsers ran worse because they had to use a polyfill.

    That is why we’re telling people to stop using Chromium. If they didn’t have this monopoly none of this would be possible. Mozilla has some issues as an organization, but do honestly you think the better choice is letting an advertising company decide how the web works?