Combat is not still, depending on the rest of combat, someone may move into your line of fire.
But it does in general take a lot of actions to set up a fire-from-hidden situation.
Or get a wizard to upcast invisibility to let you stay invisible while sniping. :)
I use ABP so that we can skip the less interesting +X stuff.
One of my players is very into crafting, and they work as a group to be able to afford things, so one of the best treasures I can give are uncommon or rare items, or even just the formulas.
I tend to focus more on fun than utility items, though this varies. And I like to give out thematic stuff. Recently they fought a Skuln, which is described as having adamant claws and teeth. But it has no listed treasure, so I gave them adamantium chunks as treasure from scavenging the body.