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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Hey! So, I’ll go into more detail once I have a strong enough connection to watch the videos smoothly. For now some general advice that is often missed by new game devs:

    1. Make your game fun. Not just fun to you; fun to others too. Even if that means taking a step back and looking at a mechanic you personally enjoy from a very objective perspective.

    2. Make sure the game runs well. Limit the jittering and framerate hiccups. Give flexibility to controls. Let people change them. Provide all the options.

    3. Drip feed mechanics into the gameplay in a natural way BUT make sure everything is technically unlocked immediately. This opens up more replayability without the opening slog some games force people to sit through.

    4. Finally, ask for help and take criticism seriously. None of us are shitting on something you have put tremendous work into. We want the experience to be awesome. As much for you as for us.

    Bonus: If you can, try and release your game on Steam between other releases in the same, or in adjacent, genres. Also consider reaching out to streamers that have shown they are willing to give factual and fair critiques, reviews, and chances for a game.

    I have been considering creating a game for some time and these are the rules I would follow. Fun factor and playability absolutely stomp on everything else. A fun, playable, easy to get into experience will sell itself. From there it’s just a matter of holding onto the hype long enough to make all that effort so very much worth it.

  • I…what? Hold on, it was commonly thought that black holes effectively compress and hold infinite mass. Then math or simulations (or both) pointed out this isn’t true, I think. Running on very dim memories here. IF this is true, then somehow the solar mass of the star is, uh…well fuck me. The ADHD train came in and I lost what I was thinking.

    Any chance you have a compelling link on this topic?

  • So essentially taking complex ideas or situations and breaking them down a’la eli5 style to the suits and other personnel that may not otherwise understand. At the same time in other situations or roles, taking expectations and directives from higher up and breaking them down so they’re digestible and workable.

    Man, these job descriptions really makes it sound like you’re going to be doing incredibly complicated and potentially invasive team-to-team tasks. When in reality you’re trying to get a bunch of cats to work together without slapping one another.

  • When I was working stand-in positions such as after a move, for example retail, my favorite go-to when asked “Whyyyy?” was “I have no idea. No one told me anything.” I sometimes miss those days.

    You’re right though. Most people have enough knowledge to do the steps of the job or task. For many of them skipping a step shuts down that memory, if only temporarily. I’ve met only a handful of true experts. People who can do things forwards, backwards, upside-down, and mix things up on the fly. They are BY FAR the most uncommon.