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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • It would be nice if the game speed and physics interaction were not tied to a inconsistent variable such as frame rate. And it seems that the more they pile on the gambryo engine the less receptive to modding it gets. But i can also accept that the cracks in the games that grow over time may not be the engine, but Bethesda prioritizing MVP centric development over hammering out the problems. Modders are carrying an auful lot of load to even get the games running.

  • Of the two options, reform would be better, however i am not seeing that happening. At every possible chance, even fundamental steps fail against any opposition from corporations, or the government. In its stead i have seen things only get worse. And here i am looking at the harm of Revolution vs. the systematic harm caused by the direction we have been sliding in for decades. If i have no confidence in reform then the only thing left is hope in a risky revolution. I would prefer reform.

  • But this is just a series of solutions you already said will not be implemented. The article even pointed to the underlying cause of these problems. There is a misaligning of goals between corporations, politicians, and the general good. You can’t vote this problem away, you can’t boycott this problem away. As far as i can tell, to solve these issues, you will need to remove to current political system, and establish a new one, removing many rights and powers corporations enjoy, and allowing the people to pivot on political platforms that better suit their needs. I Believe CGP Grey is right on a better system that should be established in the old one’s stead. The problem is for now the bread and circuses still flow.

  • I must admit i am not up on the how’s of the fediverse. But even the instances that were blocked were not in violation themselves let alone every single ancillary that might be connected to them. If we follow the same reasoning, people do not own the memes they post, the videos, the books. And for this action to be initiated by some throw away banned rando means anything with any semblance of teeth will dictate what is federated and what is not

    But really it’s whatever i guess, it’s only a minor annoyance. I was planning to have an alter account anyways