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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Yes, that’s a fair point. Though, there are other materials that might be explored (types of metal perhaps?) for those that would prefer a non-plastic version.

    The reason some might be concerned is that when “food-grade” plastics, like the polypropylene used by aeropress, are used and “exposed to hot water, they release trillions of nanoparticles per liter into the water.”

    The slight pressurization and the friction of the rubber plunger likely amplifies that result.

  • The effect on extraction by the slight pressurization (and ability to change the pressure by how hard you press) and speed of use would be two advantages over pour over.

    It doesn’t require hand dexterity or, really, hand strength. Arguably a proper, well-made pour-over with a goose neck kettle takes more hand dexterity than an Aeropress. Basically you put the hot water in, wait, and then press the plunger. Body weight or mild strength is all it takes. I usually just put my hands on top and then lean with my body; that functionally makes it require no hand strength at all.

    They’re very affordable, so perhaps worth trying. Unless you are concerned about microplastics. The entire thing is plastic.

    Edit: they have a newer, more expensive version made of Tritan crystal. I know nothing about the composition of Tritan crystal and whether there is anything that can leech or whatever from it, but I would assume it gets rid of the microplastic concern. Though I’m not sure what the “rubber” stopper is made from.

  • WoahWoah@lemmy.worldtoFoodPorn@lemmy.worldVenison Steaks for Father’s Day
    3 months ago

    I think I’m probably being overly precautious, and I love and prefer wild game, so all respect to the cook here! I would never turn down a meal like that!

    Also I don’t know, but I don’t think wildebeest carries CWD.

    And ignore the haters, that looks like a good meal you made your pa, especially given the specific cooking temperature requests. Sous vide was a wise choice. I bet it was delicious and your dad loved it.

  • WoahWoah@lemmy.worldtoFoodPorn@lemmy.worldVenison Steaks for Father’s Day
    3 months ago

    I miss venison, but there is so much CWD in the deer populations where I live that I decided a couple years ago to be extra precautious and stopped hunting deer. I know all deer should be tested, and proper cooking technique should eliminate any further concern, but prions freak me out.

    Once I read the study that showed it was transmissible to humanized mice, I noped out. There were two hunters just this last April that contracted CJD, suspected to have come from them both eating the same CWD affected venison.

  • WoahWoah@lemmy.worldtoFoodPorn@lemmy.worldWork lunch
    9 months ago

    K. But it’s a sandwich. Not a fancy-ass sandwich. And you didn’t even bother to cut it and show the constituents. And you just poured cheap crisps next to it.

    I’m sure it was delicious. My 6yo makes sandwiches for herself every day with our homemade bread and with greens and fresh tomato from the indoor hydroponic, but it never occurs to her to take pictures of it.

    Edit: sorry for being shitty. It seems like a very reasonable, normal, and delicious lunch. Thanks for sharing it.

  • Ok. I initially responded that I didn’t even read your response, because I didn’t, and I just asked again if you are OK. And I really meant it.

    But that seemed rude, so I deleted it, and I read your comment. I’m going to skip over the earlier parts and move to the end of your comment.

    Ok! That makes me feel better. If you’re just mixing it up and having fun arguing on the internet, I get it. You’ve got time and you’re having fun. That’s cool, man. It just comes off a little weird to people, I feel.

    I, while I respect what you’re saying, don’t want to spend time arguing the point. If I could, I would just like to explain to you what my understanding of the situation is, and then, if you disagree, I’ll respect that.

    Binary search is effective for many things. However: imagine a camera on a blank white wall that was recorded for 24 hours.

    At some point during that 24 hours, two people crossed in front of the wall that was being recorded, and one punched the other and then ran out of frame, and the other person ran after them out of frame. The entire exchange was on screen for only a few seconds. The wall was completely unchanged by the encounter.

    In that very particular instance, rare as it might seem, binary search will not be more efficient for locating the footage. Does that make sense?

  • Seriously, my guy. Are you having a mental breakdown or what? You’re accusing rational people trying to correct you of being botnet responses, you’re constantly moving your goal posts and accusing everyone else of doing it, you’re being intellectually dishonest and accusing everyone else of doing it.

    You are being transparently and irrationally defensive all because you can’t admit you made a mistake. Surely you can see this is no way to go through life and no way to spend your time, right? I’m worried about you.

  • Work is hard. I’m against bullshit jobs and exploiting labor, but there’s no world without people getting up, getting off their phones, and getting to work. There’s a nascent sentiment that we would go back to “how it was,” and that we should only work to do things that are beautiful.

    We should have more time for that. But your shit goes somewhere. Your trash goes somewhere. And you need to eat. As someone that’s shoveled shit, hauled trash, grown food, and hunts, that’s not easy work. You can’t just wake up one morning with the clarity that no one should do anything they don’t want to do. Everyone needs to do things they don’t want to do.

    Work is honorable, and the hardest work I’ve done in my life was the lowest paying, most disrespected, most valuable work I’ve ever done. The fact that we’ve lost sight of that is troubling.

    Pay people well. Very well. And if you went to college for it, then you should get paid less than the people that do the actual work, so they can get paid more. Cut the top end off most companies. They went to college too. I went to college, I work a white-collar job. I’m happy and financially comfortable. I know for the real workers to get paid more, I’ll need to be paid less. A college degree doesn’t mean you deserve to be paid more.

    That’s just my opinion, and I could be (and likely am) wrong. I’ve been wrong a lot in my life. I’m a better person for it, because I realized it. So there’s a lot of evidence to support the fact that my opinion is wrong. But because I’ve been wrong so often and have tried to grow each time, I’m less wrong than I used to be. I wake up each morning comforted by how I’ve handled my failures.

    Success is a fleeting feeling for me. Earned knowledge from my failures and the knowledge that I’ve tried to recognize them and improve myself each time makes me sleep quite happy at night. And when I’m doing something, my fear of failure shrinks every year.