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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Wouldn’t be the first time and prolly won’t be the last time.


    Jamestowne is home to the ruins of the first permanent English settlement in North America.

    104 settlers but only 38 survived

    Despite writing describing cannibalism:

    “Haveinge fedd upon our horses and other beastes as longe as they Lasted, we weare gladd to make shifte with vermin as doggs Catts, Ratts and myce…as to eate Bootes shoes or any other leather,” he wrote. “And now famin beginneinge to Looke gastely and pale in every face, thatt notheinge was Spared to mainteyne Lyfe and to doe those things which seame incredible, as to digge upp deade corpes outt of graves and to eate them. And some have Licked upp the Bloode which hathe fallen from their weake fellowes.”

    Direct evidence of cannibalism at Jamestown, the oldest permanent English colony in the Americas was elusive until recently finding “bones in a trash pit, all cut and chopped up, it’s clear that this body was dismembered for consumption.”


  • The solution is to try.

    In dev it’s called “fail fast”

    You try several solutions to the problem and iterate until you find the best working option then optimize.

    There’s no harm in an independent open source dev trying to solve a problem. Even if they fail there might be a kernel of useful code in a novel way.

    You absolutely shouldn’t just settle on one option without exploring several.

    But being stuck in a loop of over planning, waiting for legal, or outsourcing the problem is why everyone hates waterfall and just has small teams try with “agile” now.

    1% failure is just the start. You should never call a beta shit cuz it fails sometimes. Failure is part of learning and improving.

  • On Reddit there were always so many concern Karen’s peddling FUD when you say anything critical of pedos. For the longest time on Reddit all you had to do was see if the user also posted in pedofriends.

    It was so obvious.

    Any attempt to do anything that might impact a pedophile and there was quickly a brigade saying why that was a wrong.

    No. Any action that supports pedophiles is morally wrong and we should NOT let perfect be the enemy of good when trying to make it more difficult to be a pedophile or support pedophiles.

    If you have a solution that’s better, implement it and share it as Open Source.

    Otherwise crawl back in your pedo hole at reddit and leave us alone.