Turtle shells are already on the inside. The entire surface of their shells is skin!
Turtle shells are already on the inside. The entire surface of their shells is skin!
Given the crossover of people displaying “thin blue line” flags with those showing “thin red line” flags (which is stupid, who is against the fire department??), and with their success in harassing corporations into dropping DEI initiatives, I wouldn’t put it past right-wing crazies to try bullying their fire departments into ignoring incidents for their progressive neighbors
Bulettes, obviously
'Tis a shame your image left out the OG
cmake debugger
I use this one in vscodium https://open-vsx.org/vscode/item?itemName=ms-vscode.cmake-tools
There are cmake debuggers where you can walk through exactly what it’s doing line by line
It saunters up to the tiki bar, sunglasses slightly askew, as it holds up a sand dollar with one tentacle while another is waving, beckoning
What a heartwarming story
I hope that’s his real name, Oldmancat Murphy
You can’t deny the craftsmanship 🤌
Colin Robinson is the best character on WWDITS so that’s a compliment really