I had seen the hate before and foolishly just assumed he was deserving of it. Its a horrible situation he’s in and he is being cast in a bad light because he reached out for help.
I had seen the hate before and foolishly just assumed he was deserving of it. Its a horrible situation he’s in and he is being cast in a bad light because he reached out for help.
I’m kind of in the same boat as you. My mainstay for the longest time was RockPaperShotgun, probably from 2008–2016 or thereabouts. Once the old guard left the quality of the site drastically changed, and it became significant shallower in terms of reviews. Not really sure where to get the same kind of journalism these days.
This is super useful, I was thinking about writing something similar myself recently. Thanks for sharing! Being able to scribe the acfou t clean and start over is very useful. I have 900+ subscriptions that I guess just built up over time. Too many to manually work through and remove the ones I actually dont watch.