This is a man who knows how to gling. He is glinging. Yesterday, he _____.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Wugmeister@lemmy.dbzer0.comOPtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networktag thyself
    24 days ago

    Don’t Japanese speakers call Japan something closer to Nippon? So it’s even closer than that.

    Also, as a LOTR weirdo, the thing that made me laugh was how the mountain range around Orienta is exactly the same as the mountains around Mordor right down to the location of the gates, just rotated slightly. And then right to the left there is Land of Evil-Doom, where the mountains SHOULD HAVE BEEN

  • The specific nutrients it gets from the bugs are nitrogen and phosphorus, which plants normally absorb through their roots. It evolved carnivory to compensate for the poor soil in its native habitat instead of developing its roots like other plants in the area, so it can’t pick up the nutritional slack with its atrophied roots.

    In addition, every time a leaf closes and tries to digest what it caught, it uses a lot of energy. Flowering always is a big strain on a small plant, no matter what species, so when this strain is introduced the number of carnivorous leaves becomes a difficult risk/reward calculation, and plants are not known for cleverness.

  • In the last session, my party, who have been having a great time doing quests for my warlock patron, have suddenly realized that maybe they’re a bad dude after they killed a child (using the Rogue like a puppet to do so) and then had us brand our children with their symbol. Now they know why I have been so reticent and cryptic for the whole campaign.

    Personally I’m just relieved that we finally are all on the same page. It was a bit frustrating seeing the Rogue get sucked into the cult and ignoring all the big red flags on the path to hell.

  • Not terribly? My hometown only expanded by one housing development, but most of those houses have not sold. But we had to close our windows at night because the mosquito sprayer trucks would spray so much fog that it impacted my mom’s breathing. When I was a kid we had fireflies and bats in the backyard.

    As for my current town, I am not surprised at the lack of bugs since it’s all corn and nothing but corn; no real rivers, no big ponds, no forests near town, nothing that could shelter bugs outside the houses.