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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I think a lot of people here are pretty spot on with the “cats are just weird, IDK.” But more than that, there are a couple things that I think it might be. A lot of cat quirks are just instincts for outdoor activities that don’t translate indoors but they still have the pull to do it. IT sounds like she’s “digging,” which is a thing wild cats would do for a couple reasons.

    Sometimes they will dig a hole to poop in, then cover it up, but since she’s not then immediately taking a shit in your salad bowl, that’s probably not it.

    It could be a hunting action. Cats dig for bugs often.

    But the most likely, I think, is for fun. Cats are pretty intelligent creatures who’s minds require stimulation, which means they just find a thing to fidget with sometimes and get stuck on it, like a small child making toys out of random junk. If she doesn’t have enough scratching posts, she could be getting that scratching itch out. Or could do with some more toys. Or, again what I find most likely, she did it once and found that bowl to just be a lot of fun. Maybe it’s the texture or she likes the way her paws slip on it differently than other surfaces. Cats are curious, so it being a different surface may have drawn her attention and now it’s a fun toy for her.

    TLDR: cats are just weird, IDK. 🤷

  • The purpose of libraries has simply expanded. A lot of people do still use it for books, but this being an online forum there’s likely a selection bias at play. People learn to go to the library when that’s the main place they have access to stuff, often because purchasing or finding it digitally is out of the price-range. As a consequence, those big beautiful libraries in the nice part of town are often pretty empty but the cramped one near us poor folk is full of families and their kids every weekend.

    But libraries offer so much more than books. They have digital services, often with access to computers (again, mostly used by those who can’t afford a personal computer), and research assistance. Librarians know how to research and find sources and are an invaluable help when trying to find research on a topic. My local has community events where someone comes in and gives presentations or activities for kids often. Libraries are a community project that brings people together. Unfortunately, public libraries, being not for profit, don’t have extensive funds so they don’t have the reach they used to. Public sentiment has also turned away from libraries for a variety of reasons and in different ways. The capitalist-centric world-view lends to people’s appreciation for owning things and improving your own station while shying away from improving the group condition. Libraries whole purpose is antithetical to that world-view, so they’re ignored at best, actively fought against at worst.

    This is, of course, an American centric rant, since that’s where I am and can’t speak to the conditions elsewhere.