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  • 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • When I was going through redesigning all of the U.S. state flags, this is one of the first designs I made. Here’s the symbolism:

    • The colors are reminiscent of the orange, white, & blue pattern used in many of New York’s state flag.

      • The blue has been replaced with the purple of the Iroquois flag.
    • The white shape in the center holds several meanings.

      • It resembles a crown to represent New York being the Empire State.
      • It points upward to represent New York’s motto: “Excelsior” (“Higher”).
      • It looks somewhat like tall skyscrapers because duh.

  • This is a really nice flag! You’re right to feel confident about the geometry—it’s great. The colors, however, could use some work.

    • In general, the shades you’ve chosen just aren’t really vibrant. Look at other flags, and you’ll see that they use pretty saturated blues, reds, yellows, greens, etc.
    • You want to avoid colors that look really similar being right next to each other. You do this for the most part—for example, you separate the red and green with a white outline, which is great—but the green and blue are a problem. Green and blue are already pretty similar colors, but the shades you’ve shown make them almost identical. I’d make them much more different (for example, make the blue very dark and the green less teal) or, like another comment suggested, remove one of the colors entirely.

  • When I made this flag, I used red to symbolize the violent history of the Kansas Territory, a yellow stripe at the bottom to evoke a wheat field (given that one of Kansas’s nicknames is the Wheat State), and a sunflower at the top left. I didn’t notice the communist connotation of a red flag with a yellow symbol in the canton until someone pointed it out back when I posted this on Reddit. I still really like how the design looks, though maybe it’d be best to change the red to blue.

  • Thanks for the feedback!

    I’ve honestly never thought of the Mexico comparison, though I can kinda see it now. I think the buff center and the pine tree are enough to differentiate it from the Mexican flag, though I may flip the green and red.

    The tree design was taken directly from Maine’s ensign, and the star position came from Maine’s old flag. As for the Texas point, the lone star is used in other U.S. state flags, like those of Arizona and California (and North Carolina but that one does just look like a Texas flag ripoff), so I don’t think it’s unfitting to use it here, especially since it was on the old flag.

  • Symbolism:

    • The pine tree in the middle is taken from Maine’s ensign and is a prominent symbol of Maine.
    • The pine green stripe represents Maine’s forest.
    • The star in the top left is taken from Maine’s old flag and represents the North Star, which itself symbolizes Maine’s motto, “Dirigo” (meaning “I lead”).
    • The buff is taken from Maine’s old flag.
    • The red symbolizes the state’s presence in New England.

    EDIT: Fixed an error.

  • To each their own. I’d say there’s a good bit of NH symbolism, with the white & yellow triangles evoking the White Mountains, the yellow evoking granite like it does on the seal, and the blue symbolizing the harbors of NH (tbf, I probably didn’t have all of this symbolism in mind back when I created the flag, but I can still easily see it as a NH flag given that this symbolism fits it well). There is a lot of NE symbolism, and it definitely jumps out at you with the flag having a pine tree and all, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing.

    EDIT: Added parenthetical.