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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 26th, 2024


  • I’m a 2D Mario guy. Everything 8 and 16 bit is awesome, except the crying baby island simulator one.

    64 was of course amazing. Sunshine I like only because they tried something different. I never finished it though.

    Imma get some hate for this: Galaxy and Odyssey aren’t that good. I did like Galaxy 2 a little though. I did finish Odyssey but man it has to be one of the most gimmick driven games in the series. Crap ton of one use only power ups.

    New Super on Wii, and especially newER on Wii are a lot of fun (which is cheating but whatever lol). The WiiU game though? Oof huge fail.

    The catsuite 3D land game is interesting to me. It has a ton of really great ideas, and lots of fun sections. But it falls flat overall somehow. I can’t put my finger on it. Good memories with it though.

    Honorable mention: Yoshi Story on the 64. That game was great.

    Edit. Wonder has been out for awhile. Still haven’t played it. I actually completely forgot about it.

  • That may be, but buying a Mac Mini is like buying a device made from the ground up for Windows, where any other operating system has to reverse engineer 100% of the things to work well, or you have to emulate another OS on it (which comes with its own pitfalls), and it’s 200+€ more expensive than its nearest equivalent.

    Every single company I’ve worked at which introduced Apple Silicon to its developers has had headaches with compatibility. The worst I’ve seen was it taking a developer a month to get up and running because the specific component we used didn’t have a build for the specific ARM architecture. Multipass, UTM, podman, docker desktop, all didn’t work until colima and forcing the VM to emulate x86 + forcing docker in the VM to use the x86 image worked. There was a persistent problem with disk IO since it used 9p or whatever. Installing dependencies from scratch meant waiting 30 minutes on the M2.

    Why pay a premium for less compatibility and worse specs? Just get yourself something that works, which is cheaper, maybe even supports a company that invests in Linux and its ecosystem, and be able to ask an existing developer community instead of asking the subsection of linux users that run your specific app on however you’re running linux on Appe hardware.

  • TachyonTele@lemm.eetoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkA little fear is good
    18 days ago

    Look man. You took a comment completely out of context with the rest of the conversation. And you’ve now double-downed on it for more than one day. Even after telling you that you’re missing the context you are still still being a moron about it.

    I cannot express how fucking stupid you continue to be. I’m almost impressed, except that I hate there are people like you on this website. How do you follow conversations in real life? By picking and choosing random sentences and not letting it go for hours?

    Fuck off. And don’t come back.