• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • One thing is Linux - I’m not sure if it has “Linux”

    I took a quick look at their website and from what I can tell, their NGENUITY config tool is Windows only, which makes it a pretty hard no for me.

    The other concern is hot swapping switches Their website doesn’t say anything about being able to hot-swap switches, and a quick (like 2 minutes) search of the interwebz seems inconclusive. I would suspect they are NOT swapable, at least not without de-soldering the old ones.

  • Updates!

    I ordered a bunch of keyboards to try out. I’m trying out some formatting here, so sorry if it looks like trash.

    ##KeyChron: One thing I didn’t realize about these keyboards is that you can switch between bluetooth devices using different keys on the keyboard. This was a big plus for the GF, since she hasn’t been able to find a good keyboard that can do that. She is now probably taking a K5 Pro, even after throwing shade at me for buying a bunch of keyboards to test.

    K10 (Gateron Brown switches) This thing is fairly hefty, but reasonable. It’s bulkier than I like, but others may like it plenty fine. It’s keys are hot swappable. I used the brown switches that came with it. While the noise doesn’t bother me that much, the GF, we’ll just say she has feelings about this… This keyboard isn’t SUPER loud, it’s just a little louder than all the others I tried, it also a little higher pitch sound to it compared to the others I used.

    K10 Pro (K Pro Brown switches) This keyboard is big, and heavy. It’s 3.5 pounds (1588 grams or something like that.) It’s big, not a fan. I tried to use it, but it just feels to bulky. I could probably get used to it and it would probably really great if I actually was responsible and got a wrist rest, but that’s not the only factor. I really don’t like frames the cover the key switches. They just make cleaning annoying. Aside from bulk I do actually really like this keyboard. They have dampening foam to reduce noise, which the GF loves. The brown switches that come with it are fine, the key caps are also fine. I’d honestly probably get different switches and keys if I went with this keyboard, but that’s an option. They switches are hotswappable and you can get a barebones model for just that. I really don’t like the frame though.

    K5 Pro (Red and Brown switch variants) I’m going to start saying that I went into trying these keyboards expecting to hate them because they were low profile. I was wrong. I don’t love them, but they aren’t nearly as bad as I thought they would be.

    These keyboards are fairly light, they’re thin, and they feel pretty decent to type on, I don’t like how short the stroke is, but I can live with it. I honestly don’t hear much of a difference between the red and brown switches, which was surprising, but they do feel very different. The reds have more of a springy feel that you feel a pronounced difference in tension as you press them down, which wasn’t nearly as pronounced in standard red switches in my opinion. I suspect that will become less pronounced as they wear in. The brown switches have a little actuation point to go over as one would expect, but doesn’t have that pronounced spring tension. Personally I prefer the brown switches. I like that actuation feeling.


    DasKeyboard 6 Pro (MX Brown Switches) Honestly, I didn’t really do much with this keyboard. I typed a bit and didn’t like the sound or feel, the switches aren’t hot swappable, and it has that frame covering the switches so I put it away. Others might like the switches and keys just fine, just wasn’t for me. I also don’t like the built in media buttons, built in media keys aren’t a make or break, but them being tiny built in ones like that aren’t a plus to me. I do however like the big ole knob. That could theoretically be programmed to something other than volume, which would be a positive if I’m doing something in like CAD or video editing or something that I don’t do ALL that often. It does appear to have a USB-C hub, which I think is great. Still the frame, sound, and feel of the keyboard just wasn’t for me, and it doesn’t have hot-swappable keys and another big negative.

    Notes about all keyboards:

    Every one of the keyboards felt very well made and all seemed to have a decent attention to detail from the short period of time I spent with each of them. The packaging for each keyboard was what I would expect for a keyboard. There is foam around the keyboard separating it from the accessories and protecting the sides of the keyboard. All the Keychron keyboards were wrapped in a protective film dust cove, I’m guessing anti-static as well but maybe not? All the KeyChron keyboards had plastic cover over the keys is on all the keyboards to protect them, except the K10 Pro? Maybe I wasn’t the first person to get the keyboard? The DasKeyboard also didn’t have a plastic keycover. Honestly, I don’t think the plastic key covers are all that necessary, but I’m not shipping expert. In any case, I don’t really have anything negative to say about any of these keyboards, they’re all really great quality. You just need to try them to see where your preferences are in the feel department.

    Final thoughts.

    If the K10 and K10 Pro weren’t so bulky and didn’t have that annoying frame, I’d probably just go with them, but they are BEASTS of keyboards. In the end, of the keyboards I tried out,

    I’ll likely just go with the K5 Pro with Brown switches for the time being. The primary reason being that there is no frame covering the switches making it easy for me to deal with my OCD of cleaning the damn keyboard way too damn much, The fact that I can use USB-C or Bluetooth to multiple devices, and it’s very linux friendly/easily programmable. I’m again not in love with the low profile, but it’s certainly not as off putting as I had originally thought. The brown switches are also acceptable as far as that goes.

    In the end, I may just do exactly what I was hoping not I wouldn’t have to do, build my own keyboard. I felt like I was going to go down that rabbit hole anyway, but I have a million hobbies, so I was hoping to save my wallet from another one.

    Thanks everyone for your input. I do really appreciate everyone’s input it was really helpful. Sounds like I have a rabbit hole to start going down with DIY keyboards, at least for a short while anyway.

  • Here’s a quote from their website. This indicates to me that at least at the time of writing there would be very limited options, which isn’t probably great for me since I have a couple switches in mind.

    "At this time there are no other available brands with magnet switches that are compatible.

    Wooting HE keyboards have hall-sensors on the PCBA to detect movement from a magnet inside the Lekker switch. Without the magnet it can’t detect the switch.

    It is not possible to use any other technology switch."

    I think I’ll skip this one. It looks great, but without the ability to get other switches and a couple other missing features, I don’t think it’ll fit within requirements :/ Specifically the noise requirement that the GF has.

  • Sorry typo, Low Profile is what I meant.

    The K5 for instance, lists low profile keys and switches. Unfortunately, it doesn’t looks like you can hotswap between low profile and standard or I’d go that route :/

    I like the K10 for the most part, I just don’t like that the switches are covered by the frame/case or whatever you wanna call it. I’m a bit OCD and brush my keyboard pretty much daily, sometimes multiple times… The frame adds a barrier to cleaning.

  • They seem like they would be good, but the more Ive experienced them the less I like them.

    My USG can’t get past 250mbps, probably thermal as well. The cloud keys are shotty at best. They build that to make it difficult to disassemble and service. They lock you into their crap software ecosystem that then requires their hardware. Ive setup 2 poe switches and both were warped and have excessive thermals compared to my much larger poe switches.

    I am starting to call ubiquiti fauxsumer products…

  • I started with truenas core, then moved to truenas scale. I tried a couple others but ultimately truenas had an easier and cleaner ui and i wanted an easy way to use nextcloud without having to do too much work.

    Turns out nextcloud doesn’t seem to work right now, probably a user error in the container deployment, so I’ve not done that again. Most of the containers I’ve tried using I end up just building vms for because it’s more flexible. Right now I have 2 720xd one is truenas storage, the other is proxmox. They’re both on 10g network to a switch so using truenas to store data for the vms on my proxmox isn’t a big deal at all.

    In any case like I said I don’t really use the truenas box for much other than storage which is a shame, there’s a boat load of memory and like 32 cores. Currently I backup to USB drives. Not great, but I also don’t want to burn my money on cloud storage or hefty external raid enclosures. Tape would be cool, but again I’m a cheap boi.

    When it comes down to it, this is what is recommend. Write down a list of what you’re requirements are and what you’d like to see. Compare the filer oses and pick ones that meet the requirements and what you like. Then just install them and see what the look and feel is.

    Don’t forget backups, people will preach gospel about needing 1x2x3 or some sort of other potentially expensive backup solution. If this is a home lab, do what fits your budget, skill, comfort levels. You can always improve from there. External drives work fine for me, will they both fail at some point sure, but nothings perfect and more important data is backed up to encrypted blobs in free cloud storage.

    Also remember to take your time. It’s easy to Leroy Jenkins some shit and just go in guns a blazing, but if you take your time and read and make sure you understand the important stuff before you implement, you’ll save a ton of time. Unlike me who had to blow out my zfs impingement once after 5 tb were uploaded and kept screwing up my backups. Glad I didn’t loose data, but easily could have happened.