Matrix XMPP
Not just “a neighborhod” but several including predominently black neighborhoods as the article points out. This is far from a natural disaster and many are actively trying to claim it is. Indigenous peoples performed controlled burns that prevented this prior to colonization. The article is very brief but points this out. It’s an entire ecosystem impacted not just celebrities and Octavia Butler made some predictions that were frighteningly astute without trying to say that we are doomed to repeat this.
Great question! If you look in the sidebar of this very community and its larger instance you will find that our admins have placed helpful links to answer exactly that question. You can find the articles “What is Solarpunk?” and “A Solarpunk Manifesto” on our wiki
Sir you are commenting in the wrong thread and the wrong community. Why do that here? I am not a moderator here. I did read all the comments a month ago when the discussion was current and active. You commented here in a combative way and then specifically went to an older post of mine and told me what "should be obvious to " me without any discussion of why or otherwise adding anything constructive. You received several downvotes and were asked to be more constructive. Instead you’ve doubled down here and repeated the insult.
You seem to have missed the point of the article as it in no way was trying to propose more labor for working class people. In many ways it is trying to overcome the oppressive image that you have in your head. To a large extent, these changes are trying to advance human progress by overcoming the crises we find ourselves facing. You were born in 1953? That makes you about 70-71 but your profile says you’re 66 years old. That’s an odd inconsistency.
Cool! It would be nice to hear directly from them about their research and how this instance fits into it but at least we have the their results and this interview to give an overall perspective.
Thanks for this. I love Peertube but definitely find search to be something that holds it back from being more widely adopted.
Excellent movie and currently free to view on Kanopy which you only a library card to sign up for.
Prior to Oct 7, Gaza had one of if not the highest densities of rooftop solar panels in the world. The IOF has obviously reduced that through their bombing campaign. Hamas and being “woke” have nothing to do with this.
That’s scarily accurate and funny like the Onion. Isn’t that what the machines did in the Matrix? Maybe this is how it all starts
That’s a pretty accurate summary from my understanding as well, especially in times when the power is cut such as the current siege.
I’ve heard a lot about Palestinians using solar to power several electronic devices in Gaza but it was primarily from Arab media sources like Al Jazeera. While this was on the much more corporate and mainstream news it was easy to miss without actively looking for it. You bring up a good point and I wonder if there’s more use of solar energy happening there, especially in dire conditions, that we’re missing out on as it’s not typically covered by major news sources. Hopefully we’ll be reading more stories like this in the future.
We don’t aim to censor anyone. Mods don’t enjoy receiving or responding to reports. Just be mindful of the words you chose as I asked. Unfortunately a word you used jokingly was reported for violating the very few and basic rules of this instance ( no bigotry, including racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia or xenophobia; ) that exist to make everyone feel welcome. “Hold back” on that and we’re all good.
I don’t see why you wouldn’t plan for any type of tangible material changes, especially when discussing a livable and liberated future, so that’s definitely something to consider. The building depicted in the photo exists in Milan and has one awards for architecture and urban development so I’m sure its designer. Stefano Boeri, did plan for this. Its been recognized for its positive impact on the environment and urban planning. Not just trees but a wind farm and solar energy equipment are included and the even the colors and species of the trees were planned in advance. While not seemingly super “punk” it seems like a good example of solarpunk ideas in the present which make a solarpunk future seem more plausible. It becomes “greenwashing” on when these ideas are coopted and used to advertise for corporations but I don’t see any yogurt ads here so that’s not exactly what’s happening,
Good question. Adding trees and other forms of applied solarpunk to concrete “buildings that have already been built” is different than prefabricated green skyscrapers which would surely be greenwashing. Images like the one in the article can be valuable to introduce new people to solarpunk ideas and positive visions of the future.
Please don’t use ableist language here even if it’s just meant as a joke. Thanks.
Thanks for emphasizing this. I was a bit disappointed in that episode. I don’t remember any mention of decentralization which is integral to solarpunk. One of the hosts seemed to just respond to the other with a lot of whataboutism and negativity that just revealed a lack of understanding of solarpunk’s relationship to technology. For example, promoting electric cars instead of public transportation and reducing the amount of cars on the rode. Maybe that was the both-sides-ism to create discussion but it seemed like a missed opportunity to really dive into solarpunk technology. Maybe someone from this community could reach out about our approach to technology. They seem like they’d be open to hearing different viewpoints from the solarpunk community.
Thanks. They’ve referred to themselves as a fork of Signal but maybe a bit of an oversimplification
I have Session. Given that it’s a fork of Signal and more anonymous I’m inclined to trust it from a privacy standpoint but can’t say I have the knowledge to really critique it’s tech. People aren’t really on there yet, at least nobody I know, so I don’t have much use for it yet but I would if it catches on a bit more at some point.
I hear you. That regional history must have been part of Butler’s inspiration or at least influenced it. I’m not as familiar with the geography of the area as I live in the Northeast so I appreciate your perspective. It seems as though many people saw this as inevitable and it’s a tragic wake up call for others who ignored history. Thanks for sharing the link.