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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • shelters are all full of cats and kittens across the area right now

    how close are they to the restaurant? Would the person walking by foot have to have a vehicle to get the kitten to a shelter? Perhaps they haven’t transport. Perhaps they have a disability. Perhaps many reasons they can’t get to a shelter. If the shelter is right beside the restaurant, then yeah, the person wasn’t thinking. If not, they were probably trying to get kitten safe immediately especially if it’s wet and the restaurant could be the closest warm building to where the kitten was found. Not ideal but it is a possible scenario.

    I’m glad either way the end result was she found a new home. Just hopefully we don’t have to assume malice is around every corner with other fellow humans.

  • I can’t believe some people.

    we don’t know backstory there. We don’t know if a human is at fault at all. possible a kitten got separated from the litter especially at that age. it could be a kitten from a stray with no human involvement at all.

    A person walking by might not have the space or even has a severe allergy to cats so they took it immediately to the closest spot so the kitten wouldn’t die. This is Just a hunch like any other. It’s just that malice may not always be the back story. Some(one) isn’t always just someone who just won’t but can’t and isn’t even directly responsible for it. For all we now the person dropping it off could be an asshole or someone doing a kindness in and of itself to save a kitten even in a small way.

    Assuming the worst serves nothing and it’s not a healthy way to expend your energy and it just polarizes with assumptions against the humans around us without basis and that’s a pretty unfair way to go at other likely innocent people.

  • even though what was done to this wolf wasn’t anywhere near the level of horror carnists inflict on factory farmed animals.

    Firstly : This isn’t a comparison. There can be more than one bad thing. It’s not taking away from one thing just to be upset at another. The only person making this as a competition is you.

    Secondly: I’m gonna bet you don’t actually have a proper clue what happens on farms…

    On the other hand, I’m not sure I can get on the bandwagon

    K. no one here begged you to.

    because of their delicate sensibilities

    Said the person who never stepped foot on a farm and gets all their ‘resources’ from staged Facebook posts about what happens on farms all within sitting on their living room couch.


    Yeah, you clearly have no idea what happens on farms.

    I’m not sure that retributive justice is even the path.

    Oh the high ground for someone guilting using hyperbole and poorly garnished ideas for emotional effect. Yes I’m sure we should model ourselves off of you. You, the pinnacle of how to do arguments that don’t make animal rights activists sound no different from conspiracy theorists.

  • because someone wrote it with self-righteousness

    Usually a call sign of someone who hasn’t been really entrenched with bad code to understand their foolishness in comparison.

    I’ve only seen people hold that idea if :

    1. New and amateurish, I give them a chance cuz they might learn. But let them learn.
    2. Someone who’s only ever worked in maybe two places for very long lengths of time, given way too much power too early, people threw around ‘genius’ too eagerly and these people guard their code like a watch dog likely because it’s so fragile a simple ‘()’ in a string will bust everything . No one else can work on it and the only way you can fix it is the moment they leave. They will not learn. You can only hope the eye of Sauron will stop looking in your direction.

  • I’ve known people who do this several times in a year. One even came back to his old job, just to leave it within months to go to a new one, brag about how much better it is. He moved on from that job too within a year.

    Might just be the entire industry has reached enshittification in more than one way.