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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • The graphic seems to be going by intention. Same reason that the narrow white diagonals are only part of the St Patrick’s cross and not part of the St Andrew’s one, even though the Scottish flag does also have white there.

    I suppose if you continued the logic of your version, you could also count a small diagonal cross in the centre for Northern Ireland too

  • I find it useful if I’m counting only specific instances of something that meet some criteria. That way my brain can focus on picking out the right things and not have to worry about keeping the current count in mind. I use the method with your thumb on each segment of your fingers though, so you can get up to twelve with one hand and 156 with both

  • Edit: alternative image host, I had no idea that imgbb was blocked in a bunch of places https://i.imgur.com/OQ2l5CH.jpeg

    Here’s Alaric. He made me panic when I first adopted him because it seemed like he was refusing to eat for several days. I then discovered that he had found the bag of cheese treats, hidden it behind the sofa, torn it open, and eaten nothing but those the whole time. He also dislikes hearing voice calls for some reason, perfectly happy to sit on my lap while I watch a video but will get up and leave if I go on a discord chat or take a phone call. Those big ears of his can apparently tell the difference, even when I’m using headphones.

    I love this little guy. He is a blessing.

  • I think the geography and history of the region is playing a part here. These castles are at chokepoints, it’s just that they are water chokepoints. Eilean Donan sits at the narrowest point between the sea and two large lochs, and because the highlands are basically nothing but hills and lochs the easiest way to get around there for most of history was by boat. I’m less familiar with Ardvreck, but it looks like the waterways are navigable from the sea up to the point of the castle, and the castle controls the best place to embark or disembark.

    Additionally, most of these castles were for handling other highland clans and conflicts between the lowland-based government and the highland clans. They weren’t trying to stop the full weight of a massed French invasion. On that smaller scale, there’s less likelihood that someone will be willing to properly siege you out and even less likelihood that they can do so when you can just take a boat to the other side of the loch.

  • I think that the references to billionaires and capitalism as negatives and the simple fact that they posted it to a solarpunk community make how OP feels pretty clear, but I don’t think we’re going to find much common ground here

    I’m confused about where that last paragraph came from? The only thing I’ve said about you is that I think you’re making more assumptions about OP than you are letting on

  • They don’t have to believe that we’re currently living in such a situation to believe that it would be bad whether crypto put us in it or not. I think you’re making more assumptions about their beliefs than you’re stating, here.

    Personally I agree that we’re not in a position as extreme as that at the moment, because the ultimate powers over currencies are governments rather than corporations. Now, how much of a difference that makes absolutely depends on how democratically accountable the given government is to the populace, but for corporations it’s always zero accountability to anyone but shareholders, so there is definitely room for difference. And, of course, just because things can technically be worse doesn’t mean there are no problems with how things currently are.

  • I’m responding to the part of your comment that says “you sure can’t conclude from anything the author has written that they think they are real problems.” I mean that the author describes the extreme centralisation of power in currency in that manner; crypto is criticised for accelerating us towards that, but it’s clear that OP regards that situation as bad regardless of whether or not we end up in it via crypto. Sorry if my own comment was unclear.