African, or European?
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
African, or European?
Reposts get old and seeing the same joke with 8 meme formats that are all basically the same “drake meme/pooh meme/geordi meme” style gets old even quicker unless you can put some kind of spin on it to make it fresh.
My biggest gripe with the fediverse is seeing the exact same post in 15 different communities over the course of 2-3 days. But if that’s the price of the fediverse, I’m fine paying it. Sometimes the discussions in the comments get WAY different.
And of course since it’s still fairly small compared to other sites, and there are always more people coming in, the amount of people who have seen that thing posted for the first time is still pretty high.
I have to keep reminding myself that not everyone has as many pockets of downtime as I do, so while I’m on for about 5-20 minutes at a time, I get on many times over the day so I see most posts during my waking hours. So just because I’ve seen this “I sleep/ real shit” meme 8 times this week, hundreds of people are seeing it for the first time. And even if I’ve seen “this country leader did a CRAZY THING! How messed up is that!” every single day, some people didn’t get on yesterday to see it and probably don’t feel like commenting on posts a day old is accepted (I say comment on old posts all day of you want, I’ve had tons of forum discussions in posts that are years old)
I ramble a lot, sorry. But my point is “reposts and rehashed discussions get annoying but they’re a price of the fediverse and new members and more people could comment on old posts instead of making new ones”
Some people like to complain that politics is everywhere and since they like to stick their heads in the sand and go “LALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU”, they prefer not to see political memes, or memes with political figures that aren’t political in nature.
Some people down vote popular things because they are popular.
Some people just have a hate boner for a specific user and sometimes follow them around to down vote anything they post.
And statistically there’s probably at least one republican around trying not to act like a lizard in a chinchilla suit.
Okay so I have a basic understanding of orbital mechanics, I would say astronomy and astrophysics is a hobby of mine, and my content subscription list is filled with space nerds talking about nerdy space stuff.
I do not understand how the rotation of the milky way could be making it seem as though other galaxies are rotating a specific direction.
I understand if you spin in place and are looking at something above you that’s spinning in a certain way, it might appear to spin the opposite way it is relative to the floor, because you’re spinning faster. However, my problem understanding stems from the fact that the milky way is huge and we are rotating around a very large axis, not at a rate that my common sense tells me would be noticeable.
Maybe I’m just not giving NASA and ESA enough credit for their measurement capabilities, but I don’t get it.
And maybe I’m so far off base someone is face-palming into their screen in disappointment that I could choose be so wrong.
If anyone could explain, or post a link to a space nerd talking about nerdy space stuff thats relevant to the answer, please edumacate me!
Okay so even though I read all this last night, I somehow missed the “2000 - (-2000) years” thus making the current geological age around 4000 years, and technically Pompeii would not count in the strictest definition. That said, had it happened 4,000 years ago, absolutely nothing would have changed. All the stuff would still be carbonized.
Also from Wikipedia in the (geological age) article: An age is the smallest hierarchical geochronologic unit. It is equivalent to a chronostratigraphic stage.[14][13] There are 96 formal and five informal ages.[2] The current age is the Meghalayan.
So again the answer is “yes it counts” but my personal take is “it feels weird to consider 4,000-10,000 ago multiple different geologic ages”
From wikipedia: A fossil (from Classical Latin fossilis, lit. ‘obtained by digging’)[1] is any preserved remains, impression, or trace of any once-living thing from a past geological age.
Answer: yes. It does count. Specifically carbonization.
Personal take: when I think of a “fossil”, I think of the stereotypical mineralized bones. Like the T-Rex in the museum of natural history that most people have seen from various movies and TV shows. Thinking of human and human predecessor bones as fossils is just weird to me.
I can tell you exactly how much every single one of those things is worth once their mansions are burned to the ground.
Yet only one of us seems to spend a lot of time on lemmy shitting on others for no reason. Weird.
Have a nice day.
Can’t wait to find out how accurate the map is!
You know in like 10 years.
Maybe 8 if things continue the way they have been recently.
You’re off by a few decades, but sure.
You make a good point, I’ll have to see if there are any practical applications in Europe or Canada.
I believe that my gay neighbors should be able to grow weed in their yard and if you diss our trans homies, we might get violent before we bother asking nicely for you to leave, and if you refuse then the guns are coming out. Armed minorities are harder to oppress.
Judge away.
Man I just love being undesirable in every country due to my beliefs, lifestyle, or lack of a degree.
Well he is part Chihuahua…
My smallest dog is probably the smartest, and he not only understands “covering means warmth” but he also has a favorite throw blanket. Even when they’ve been freshly washed he prefers the flour tortilla patterned blanket, as it’s the warmest.
And when it gets warmer overnight, he will switch to a cooler blanket.
Haven’t managed to train him to put his unused blankets away, he just leaves them wherever he dragged it to last.
At least you all can get your family to use it.
I can’t even get my spouse to use it unless she thinks what we are talking about might be illegal where we are (it usually isn’t)
I’ve tried convincing family to use it, but all that happens is I just never hear from them until I see them in person or they call me.
They don’t even feel the need to back up their Amazon Kindle collection before they get cutoff from it… Thousands of dollars wasted if they ever lose access to the account.
Calling out reposts obsessively is weird to me.There’s more people who have not seen something than who have seen it, at least on the internet. I think most people have seen the moon…
But if I ever have a problem where the vast majority of the posts I see are reposts, I’ll simply block the channel for awhile. It costs me nothing, and takes less effort than typing out a comment complaining in every repost.
It’s the “STOP LIKING WHAT I DON’T LIKE” meme, come to life. And I’d rather let people have their fun. Doesn’t cost me, nor anyone else, a thing.
Weird, I just had a bunch of mls tell me just the other day that a comment I made was strawmanning a hypothetical tankie telling me I’m wrong.
And here we see yet another ml strawmanning.
Super Weird.
All I see is a bunch of people saying this is dystopia nightmare shit, and so far the only person I’ve seen do anything other than call it what it is is the ml comparing this to China.
Surveillance states are bad anywhere, you won’t get many people arguing that city wide government facial recognition is a good thing.
I love when people say they feel dumb because they didn’t know something, because then I get to share xkcd with them, too.
My favorite group I have ever DMd for was at a convention, it was 2am, and nobody had ever met before except the two couples in the mix of 9. I just ran part of a campaign I was working on for a different group.
I barely had to interact with them for RP stuff unless it was to drive the plot, or play a character they convinced to join them.
It was great seeing a large muscular guy dressed like a Dwarven blacksmith role play a halfling, and the smallest person there was playing as a half-orc barbarian from the plains of icewind dale.
And of course since it was a convention, and some of them had LARP gear with them, a friendly competitive sword fight broke out during a rest and instead of rolling, they just went ahead and used foam swords and stepped away from the tables. And borrowed dialogue from the princess bride.
Most groups definitely prefer combat, and to be honest so do I unless I’m running the game. Maybe I just haven’t played with the right group or character, or more likely I just suck at it. Either way…
I think everyone has “that one group” they wish they could play with forever and never have scheduling conflicts…