The snow on the ground probably melted, leaving the snowman intact because it is compacted and harder to melt.
The snow on the ground probably melted, leaving the snowman intact because it is compacted and harder to melt.
Possibly the dumbest part of this is that gustavo fring was always gay
That seems like a wild assumption to make. The heart beat is regulated by electric pulses, i dont see why a thumping bass would have any effect on it
Its because they dont want to out people on accident.
I always thought it was binoculars, but its definitely a phone in this one. Wtf
People keep complaining about it, but i am enjoying the shit out of it. Just passed the 100 hour mark, and i havent even touched the faction questlines. I find the exploration very satisfying, the side quests well done and the main story… acceptable. I like the procedural genration, theres no way in hell a game of this scope could exist without it. The ship building is complex and satisfying, the ship combat is also fun, if somewhat basic. It has the same heart and soul as any bethesda game, if you like their other games i would highly reccomend Starfield.
Im ~70 hours in and having a blast! I find the exploration satisfying, i love running around scanning things to survey a planet. There are multiple ways to complete most quests, including special dialog choices based on your background, traits and factions. I enjoy the worldbuilding, especially given its the first game in a new IP. The ship building is super nice, but also optional. The game has its flaws of course, i find the outpost mechanics a bit lacking and hard to use. Overall id say like 8.5/10
Fuck right off with this shit
This is a fever dream take lol
Im curious why your conception of a warlock must be able to be confused with a wizard or sorcerer from an outside perspective. That has never been an aspect of warlocks in 5e that I valued, or something I particularly wanted to emphasize.
To me, a warlock character could be made using any number of classes present in pf2, including the aforementioned sorcerer, wizard and witch, but also the psychic or oracle. The fantasy of having a patron is not something that must be expressed mechanically IMO, because it ultimately boils down to “you have a connection with this powerful NPC and you need to consider their wants/needs/demands or else there may be consequenses”