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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023

  • No idea, tbh. I’m nearly half way through it and I’ve yet to hear anything controversial other than religion is basically made up, but I already thought so. It’s really just super thought-provoking stuff.

    If I were to describe it, I’d say it’s moreso an incredibly well thought-out narrative on the story of the human species and where we fit in time and space.

    For example, the part this meme is from blew my mind. It’s a couple paragraphs and gets set up with the backdrop/context of the agricultural evolution and kind of comes out of nowhere.

    Lastly, one interesting thought I had while reading it is how evolution doesn’t really “care” if we’re depressed, as long as we’re still reproducing the cycle continues (this was moreso a thought I had while reading the book than something explicitly said, I think)

  • Ngl, I did not actually expand the picture to see the caption. I just saw the main image about knowledge. Post-docs absolutely get fucked and I do feel bad for them.

    I quit one year into my PhD because I was miserable in grad school. I have to assume most post-docs have some crazy resilience or some kind of mental issue/trauma that keeps them going and going. I guess that’s probably true for most people but post-docs do some seriously hard mental work and basically get shafted the entire time (at least in the US).

  • I mean, do you know anyone that would actually care about this? How many would sit and read/watch a story about it out of their own interest? How loud would you have to be to get heard?

    The average American is simply too stupid (read: “overworked”) to care about any kind of personal civic duty. We’re too busy thinking of everything we wish our country would do for us, not what we could do to save the country. Tbh, must of us don’t even know what good citizens are supposed to do