One of my favorite Simpsons lines, the load hearing poster
One of my favorite Simpsons lines, the load hearing poster
Good luck getting consistent cuts while you’re freehanding. The idea is to make the nice flat cat scratching pad, and also being able to make the tool with the tool printer you have at home
Is that the guy that wrote Blindsight? Strange read
A new browser touches the beacon
Unbelievably AWESOME
Always wanted to learn, and I have a deck!
So true
Love that this suggests that for vampires, it’s all in their head
ChristMAS is all around me
Some are only 30 cents! At least they were…
I agree, cash is fun in Germany. I think it really helps that the 1 and 2 euro coins are available and used in circulation. It was so nice going into the Späti and buying a beer with a single coin.
Change feels unnecessary in the States since the highest denomination that’s widely circulated is the quarter dollar. There are dollar coins, but they are hardly ever used.
More like A Wrinkle in Time, the 1962 book
We do what we want, because we can
Where can you really draw the line? Could you survive in space without any air or equipment? Even if you could, where did the equipment and air come from?
Photosynthetic organisms are for all practical purposes part of your lungs
Behold, a human being.
I mean yes, no one, human or turtle, can survive without the ecosystem of the earth, so you could really argue that the planet is the true organism and we are simply byproducts of its existence
What part of the second statement is wrong? A turtle cannot survive without its shell, just like you could not survive without your skull. It is an intrinsic part of what allows it to function as a living organism, therefore the line between “turtle” and “shell” is a bit blurred
Do you really blame them?