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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • We have a small mixed veg farm and see a lot of changes. Especially recently. The past four years have been wild.

    Our winters have gone from snow and cold October through April when I was a kid. To a few weeks of snow and cold in February mostly. We live on a very large salt water lake that used to freeze solid in winter. It doesn’t freeze enough to go ice fishing on now.

    Our autumn has extended into December each year. We keep outdoor gardens from April to November now and in the 80’s when I was a kid I covered up every Halloween costume with a snow suit and fought my way to people’s doors.

    Our springs have little to no rain when compared historically. We are by the Atlantic ocean and fog and rain are part of life but not so much any more.

    Summers are hot now. Very hot with very high humidity. We’ve started having forest fires which were rare before due to the wet environment. Rurally there are water shortages from wells in many areas.

    We’ve always had hurricanes but now they are much much more frequent and much more devastating. We are also having flash floods now regularly and power outages from heat which was previously unheard of.

    We are seeing more large predator sharks and bluebottle jellyfish from across the Atlantic and our fishing grounds are moving further north as the ocean warms.

    The forests are very dry and we are losing species to invasives, temperature extremes and bugs at unprecedented rates. Migratory birds are fewer than ever and we tend to have a lot of summering and breeding grounds here. The bugs don’t coat the car like they used to when we drive to town for groceries and we see this in our gardens and greenhouses as well.

    It’s scary stuff. We live in an area where we can watch the changes happen in real time and yet deniers are everywhere.

  • We live like this because this is how we live. We don’t use mechanized equipment by choice. We farm it so we don’t have to work as well. We do work but not like others. Seasonally mostly or odd jobs and only if we have to. We do the rest because it’s just normal life for us.

    We have 250 acres total. A large portion is woodlot. Animals are all small because about 6-7 years ago I had cancer that paralyzed me for a while. Kinda messed me up. I just grow food now. Anyone seeing our income would consider us extremely poor. We aren’t really, we just spend our money differently than most. Our house and land are paid for as is our vehicle. We aren’t preppers this is just how we live.

    I still disagree that 5 acres is possible without machinery in this day and age. We spend a literal month broadforking alone to get mixed veg in our garden and greenhouse for a family of five with a very small amount for sale. Adding grains and large animals would not be physically possible without mechanical equipment of some kind even if I was a whole person.

  • Two people. No mechanical equipment. Even with using animals in order to maintain all that space. Then add harvesting and threshing grains by hand along with those animals. Good luck. Our entire working space is an acre with fruit and nut trees and chickens for meat and eggs. The workload is immense and if our lifestyle was similar to most (day jobs) there is no earthly way we could manage what we have let alone 5 acres. We have been doing this for decades and have systems in place to help us as much as possible and it just would not be physically possible. Just garden prep for us alone takes months at a half acre and simple maintenance and picking is a daily chore all season long. We start planting in February and grow until Oct/Nov. We don’t vacation in those months at all and we have seasonal jobs so we can put as much time as possible into food. Oh and we don’t get paid to grow food because we consume the vast majority of it ourselves so we need those real jobs too. Where are you finding all the time and money?