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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Some of it was DDOS but a lot of it was just server overload which sucked horrifically. DDoS was its own thing because I did have trouble logging in during those times.

    ETA: also not to sound like a churl the update about a month in did fix a lot of the lag. Until then it was just really bad and I was routinely running into people in df roulette also suffering from it which just made things even harder. But I will say SE did work on it and put a fix out that resolved most of it within a month. I feel like part of the challenge may have just been I was on the “overflow” datacenter for NA and SE underestimated how much “overflow” we would be seeing. Cause about the majority of people I was paired with in df roulette during this time were travelers which isn’t the norm on Dynamis ime.

  • Can’t say how it was for Endwalker, but I did experience a lot more server lag on Dynamis than I did before the launch. Getting in wasn’t the problem so much as being in instances and just having minute long multiple lag spikes to the point I was often going from lag to lag. Had this even in duty support. My understanding is this was “better” because I could even log in at all, but it did absolutely suck trying to learn new mechanics where I was in MSQ and learn how to play around entire dungeons being slide shows of lag at the same time.

    ETA: I got up to Amaurot about the day after pre-order drop happened and then worked up through Seat of Sacrifice over the heaviest weeks was absolutely miserable with the lag to figure out what was going on. I also do MiNE ex/savage and had a few I’d been progging I just had to bow out from because when we got to new phases I was having so much lag they weren’t showing for me and the majority of the time I’d be either killed by something I never got an update to see or last person standing because I was lagging so much I didn’t ping into the damage.

  • Gith became resistant to the mind control over the millenia. This is why in 5e the race has psychic resistance. The duergar were also slaves of the mind flayers and this is why they have psionic fortitude. There’s some other races that have been altered due to being enslaved (derro, kuo-toa, quaggoth), usually resulting in some form of psionics and madness.

    Part of what makes mind flayers interesting because their society touched and left scars on a lot of other races. Gith are just the loudest about it in part because they live in the Astral Sea where time doesn’t age them so, outside of dying during raids, many of the gith who rebelled can easily still be around leading to the rebellion being fresh in the gith’s minds (as opposed to the duergar for example who live on the material plane in normal time and have had empires rise and fall and numerous generations since the enslavement).

  • Personally don’t really find the snack sized Cthulhu aspect that interesting. What really interests me about them is the lore about them once being a great empire of douchebags who were overthrown by those they oppressed (gith) who then took their place politically and now hunt them down. Says a lot BG3 focused on this lore over the Cthulhu monster aspect. Just some good lore building which could have (and I’m sure has) gone to any other races.

  • I know Stinky Dragon edits stuff out to keep the run time down. I assume for live streams the DMs just use the “it’s dead when it narratively fits/needs to happen to stop bad rolls from dragging this out an hour” rule and players know to focus more instead of spending 30min on cock jokes after finding a cock fight that then devolves into a heist plan to free all animals in the village and make them the masters of their own fates lol.