• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I think I was 11 or 12 when I started plaxing Tibia (a very early MMORPG). I really enjoyed it. At some point I found out that somebody has leaked the source code. You could host your own Tibia server. You could create new map segments or introduce new quests by Lua scripting. There was a huge community for “Open Tibia”, hundreds of servers with thousands of players. First, I got into mapping, then I got into scripting and loved it.

  • Thanks for your reply :) This grew quite detailed and more thorough than I had expected. But I’m thankful to now have something to read up on. It will take me a while though.

    There are two follow-ups:

    1. I’d be surprised if there weren’t libraries for the networking parts already. You briefly mentioned there would be for at least data types for the interfacing and wrote that I should instead use my own solution instead for said reasons. Well, are there libraries I can use for networking? What you mentioned sounds very low level.

    2. What do you mean with point (3), where the client “should do more” than the server? The server would be authoritative and the client predicting. But, do you mean that the server shouldn’t do so much heavy lifting like working with game physics?
