Thankfully, both of the DeSantis and Mom’s for Book Burning endorsed candidates in our school board elections lost significantly. I think that leaves 2 voices that are more concerned with their conservative indoctrination than actual educational instruction. Hopefully they get kicked next go round. One of the websites flaunted the candidates politics, GOP-endorsements, and overall “look how anti-woke I am, boy howdy!” and never once mentioned anything about the kids. Such losers.
Thankfully, both of the DeSantis and Mom’s for Book Burning endorsed candidates in our school board elections lost significantly. I think that leaves 2 voices that are more concerned with their conservative indoctrination than actual educational instruction. Hopefully they get kicked next go round. One of the websites flaunted the candidates politics, GOP-endorsements, and overall “look how anti-woke I am, boy howdy!” and never once mentioned anything about the kids. Such losers.