Holy shit, that other thread was something else. Some people become unhinged at the thought of others doing things differently from them.
This sandwich looks bomb af. Got recipe?
Holy shit, that other thread was something else. Some people become unhinged at the thought of others doing things differently from them.
This sandwich looks bomb af. Got recipe?
Only struggle is the class struggle
I love how it both explicitly and implicitly conveys the sense of Palestinians being silenced with the way she chose to portray the face. Also makes the eye and all that it conveys that much more haunting
Yes, yes, we’ve all seen the time knife
Love how the different mediums help create a sense of depth
Wouldn’t have minded a little drizzle of gravy on top tbh 😜
This chain went in a direction I did not expect but I’m. here. for. it!
The basil added a nice light lift against the onion jam and goat cheese.
The hardest part was just having to wait to cut into it
Agreed. That’s why I put it in quotes
Awful “sport” but incredible painting
If you haven’t seen Her, you’d love it. Its pretty much that (without the overheat)
That’s gold embroidery on his daughters dress
What’s the advantage over sftp, scp, or similar lower level protocols?
I say this with all due respect, but XML can gargle nuts.
Hopefully not a child - sorry, “under 18 combatant” - in Gaza. We all know how that would turn out
There is more to sales than just the initial contract. Each account has a CLV and its the job of the revenue teams to not only figure out what this is, but then funnel customers through the various stages of post-sales business development, product adoption growth, churn mitigation strategies…etc. to not only meet this but extend it. Sales and revenue are not just a one and done operation. When done correctly you essentially have a farming model vs a hunting one (this can be further refined with things like ICPs, funnel feedbacks…etc), but this often requires some level of continuous account touch points to maintain (gotta water the plants, keep them free of weeds, put down new fertilizer when appropriate, ensure there are no pests causing problems, weather proof the enclosure as much as possible…etc, you get the idea).
That being said though, a lot of businesses are still operating on the pre 2022 growth models or are just now catching up and trying to shift to a more sensible revenue based model, and that is leading to sheding of numbers in an (often misguided imo) attempt to not go under.
Pretty sure it’s the patron goddess of the fyre festival
Change your shit asap. Anyone who has access to it can theoretically auth as you on any site or product that uses that 2fa setup. They would still need to have your underlying credentials that would initiate the 2fa protocol exchange anyway, but if they have access to your underlying 2fa secret, its not too far fetched to believe they may have other credentials potentially, depending on how you’ve secured the access and where you store your credentials. To be safe and not paranoid, it’s best to just do a root trust rotation and cycle the underlying auth creds