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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Overcooked 1 is a Unity game released in 2016. Unity only started offering Linux build support as an experimental feature at the end of 2015, so it’s very likely that the version of Unity they used to make Overcooked didn’t had Linux support.

    The real question is why Overcooked All you can Eat doesn’t have Linux support.

    Edit: I forgot to say, I don’t think it’s weird that Paradox supports Linux, they made their engine Linux compatible a while back, so offering support now is trivial. And I always remember the reddit post in which a dev explained that Linux users are like a dedicated QA team hahaha

  • That would be awesome, currently it’s 500GB for their cheaper option which starts at 23/year. I didn’t find an option to increase the bandwidth before completing the order. Also it needs to be deployed in NY (which would be possibly slow for me in Europe). Finally their isos are somewhat old, the latest Ubuntu they have is 20.04 (which has an EoL next year).

    All that being said, 23/year is very cheap for a VPS, and for people in the US that use less than 500GB/month that’s the best deal I’ve ever seen.

  • Steam also enforce a strict key price parity.

    No it doesn’t. The price parity thing is only if you are selling the game on Steam platform, i.e. selling a steam key, it’s essentially a way to allow publishers to sell the game on their own website, without paying the 30% to steam, but don’t allow them to undercut steam entirely while still taking advantage of their platform.

    Games on GoG, itch, Epic store, etc, can have any price they want, as long as they don’t give away a steam key valve doesn’t care what price you sell your game elsewhere.

    This is one of the most annoying fake news out there, Valve are going above and beyond what any other store is doing, and they get bad rep from people who have never read their policy, published a game there, or talked to anyone who has.

  • Yeah, in that case it makes sense not to put it on Steam.

    Although in your shoes I would put it on Steam for something like $5 and free on itch. Afaik Steam doesn’t mind this as long as you don’t offer a steam key for free on itch, but if you charge the same value as on Steam you can offer a key there as well, so you could do free version on itch but a minimum of $5 to get a steam key, and sell it on steam for $5. Whatever you can sell on steam is likely to surpass the $100 margin. But I can see that as a hobbyist you might not care to setup accounts for payments etc, just want to get your game out there.

    In any case I’m interested in what a game specifically designed for the Deck would look like, so please post a link when you have published it.

  • The only games I have installed outside of Steam are emulators. Even if the majority of people here tell you they have games outside of Steam, this is likely a skewed statistics because people who tinker with their deck are more likely to join a community about it. I would guess that 70/90% of people with decks have never even opened desktop mode.

    To me $100 doesn’t seem that steep, if you’re making a $5 profit with your game you only need to sell 20 extra copies for it to pay itself. If your game is specifically done for the Deck your audience is by definition on the Steam store, only a few are also outside of it.

    I’m someone who uses Linux daily, I like tweaking with my deck, but realistically I never even considered installing games outside of Steam because every game I want to play is on Steam, and I imagine that several other people who tweak with their Deck are also in the same boat.

  • Not the user you’ve asked but I’m using Silverbullet and have been loving it, it ticks every box of what I was looking for:

    • Self hosted
    • Stores files in plain markdown text format
    • You can edit those files externally and Silverbullet picks up the changes
    • Allows customization and expansion easily
    • Provides queries that allow you to extend markdown to pull data from other files
    • These use an SQLite db to get these things to work fast, but if you delete them they get regenerated
    • Can be easily synchronized with multiple nodes by using synching to sync the markdown files

  • just making a docker compose and maybe having ansible deploy that?

    that’s what I do, why ansible? Because it makes it easier to deploy the same service in different servers with slightly different configurations, for example when migrating from one server to another. Also it helps with having something I can easily backup (e.g. git repo) that can redo my server(s) if needed.

    That being said I’m still setting everything up with ansible.

  • Where do you want to sync the phones to? I assume you have a server where you want to keep these, otherwise my_folder is just your phone’s local storage.

    With that in mind what you described is a very straightforward synching configuration. You install it on the server, give it access to the three folders, install it on both phones, and configure it to sync:

    • Phone1 local_folder to Server my_folder
    • Phone1 shared_folder to Server shared_rolder
    • Phone2 local_folder to Server wife_folder
    • Phone2 shared_folder to Server shared_rolder

    Don’t understand why you think you need users for that.