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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • Something is stopping the extruder from extruding and the “fraying” is just little oozes of filament catching on the layers below.

    It could be mechanical, but if it is always at the same exact layer it is may be something to do with the geometry and the slicer.

    Make sure you have thin wall detection on, so it will fully print walls that are narrower than the extrusion width.

    Turning retractions off might help. I’ve never worked with LW-PLA but it could be that those internal pillars getting farther from the shell are causing a retraction that jams the extruder.

    Others mentioned feed, make sure your spool is not catching on the spindle. I had this issue with a roll of TPU that was too wide and it kept getting pinned when I closed the filament door. It would print fine until the tension was too much for the extruder. Then it would look exactly like this.

  • Don’t forget, the chicken is frozen, so you also have to take into account the latent heat of fusion to melt the chicken before you can raise the temperature

    This calculation also assumes that this is an inelastic collision where all the energy is absorbed into the chicken and not into your hand or into the air as sound or other kinetic energy.

    Further the chicken is frozen solid, and, presumably, your hand is not. Of the two objects in this collision that could deform inelasticity and absorb the larger fraction of the energy, my money would be on the 0.4 kg slab of raw meat rather than the 1kg frozen billiard ball.

  • Whoops. Good catch! so about 4-30 times the size of the Death Star. That would mean the gravity of the Death Star is at most 1/24th that of earth’s, if it were solid rock and my math is correct. That’s at the surface, though. As you go inside, gravity will decrease until you reach the center where there will be no gravity at all because all the mass of the space station is pulling you away from the center equally. (assuming a uniform mass distribution).

    g ≈ M/r^2
    V ≈ r^3.
    uniform density: ρ for simplicity’s sake
    M = ρV
    —> g ≈ ρr where r is the distance from the center of the death star, but no further than the surface