Bodies like the LvN and UN are inherently going to fail to achieve peace because they rely on willing compliance with almost zero enforcement mechanisms.
Because having enforcement mechanisms slams face first into the principle of state sovereignty.
I agree on the state sovereignty part. But both the LvN and UN bettered the world within their limited means, while obviously more often failing than succeeding. So I don’t agree on the failure part entirely. They may be inherently aspirational, but they tried and managed to improve conditions somewhat, exactly by being an (if ever so slight) impediment on state sovereignty that didn’t exist before.
But yeah the general consensus seems to be that the UN is a failure, so I’m just looking for people who are thinking about what to do about that. Seems like the only people talking about it are the World Bank and Russia with its multipolar world order.
That’s why I’m looking for ideas to reform or replace it.
That’s kind of the crux here though, it can solve problems and it does. People are being fed by the UN every day. Yes, it’s not good enough at solving the problems it is charged with solving. But that makes improving upon it the obvious course of action, does it not? What else is there except apathy?