We clearly play satisfactory differently.
You can make pretty amazing builds in that game.
It just hit me. Satisfactory, Valheim, Minecraft and Ikea all come from Sweden. Swedes must have building things in their genes.
We clearly play satisfactory differently.
You can make pretty amazing builds in that game.
It just hit me. Satisfactory, Valheim, Minecraft and Ikea all come from Sweden. Swedes must have building things in their genes.
After short souls searching i would say Satisfactory building is great too.
Love to see even a little QoL upgrades for the building.
After playing Valheim, Palworld base building feels so bad and limiting.
The worst thing is that you gave them the permission to send emails to you, but you did not even notice it.
If you give some information to any for profit company you can be sure they will use that information and if you decline the permits they are going to keep asking until you eventually miss click.
For example if you fill shopping basked, but abandon it after filling your information they can contact you once as “a friendly reminder” about the cart and they can keep that information legally for few weeks until they must anomize the data. And if you at some point clicked something where you accept the marketing permits they can keep that information “as long as the company thinks it is reasonable to keep and/or revelant information for their operation.”
Source: Im part of the problem. Atleast for now.
Im completelly opposide. Its maybe only AAA game im intrested in long time.
Mostly because of their track record. I have been playing GTA since the very first top down game and every main game in the series has pushed the games further.
Thinking how big leaps every game has done, i cant wait to see what kind of the beast 6 is going to be.