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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • The point for me is that the government automatically seems to think that cash payments are for something illegal. And all of a sudden, the burden is on me to proof that it is not.

    While technically speaking, paying with cash is a very legal way to pay and should not require any explanation at all. Nor should it be more difficult.

    Of course, there is a limit, and I get that paying a 2 million dollar house in cash is reason to at least ask where that money came from. But 3000 dollars or 100000 are amounts of money that in my opinion do not deserve the same amount of checking.

    A lot of random but legal stuff can be done with 10000 dollars of cash. And yes, sometimes you use cash because you don’t want your identity known. Doesn’t mean you are doing something illegal. If the government thinks it is illegal, they should open an investigation and proof it.

    Instead they put the burden on you. Doesn’t seem fair to me, and a limitation on my personal freedom to spend money however I like.

    Not to mention, even things that are legal now, could be made illegal by governments to come, and dictators or oppressive regimes will have no problems with checking logs to see which assholes did something that goes against their values in the past. For that reason alone, governments should only be tracking the minimum amount of information they need.

  • Classic meditation method: don’t block any thoughts, just accept any thought that pops up, and visualise it floating away. Usually does the trick for me.

    Or visualize a water flow like a river streaming through your mind, taking all the thoughts with it.

    There are lots of visualisations you can do to help clear your mind or control your emotions.

  • I just got this mail. They are very funny. It is clear that they are trying to generate money by adding features, but the whole point is that I don’t need more features.

    I just need the program as it is, hell, they can still take more functionality away and it will still work for me just fine. I just use it for small projects, maybe twice a year.

    If the free version ever goes away, I’ll just learn some other program. There might be a learning curve, but I don’t mind.

    And I understand that they need to make money, and they have every right to charge whatever they want. But mails like this make them look desperate for cash.

    If they really don’t want too, don’t have a free product. Then everybody knows what is up.