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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • As someone else said, Pixel for Pixel analysis is probably too much compute time for them to bother. But they can do a quick checksum on the file, and they probably do.

    Whether the image seriously affects your online fingerprint is mostly about whether a lot of users or only a few users use that exact profile picture.

    If they few users have that exact profile picture, then it’s likely that they have a behavior tracking data set assigned to it, in case it’s valuable later.

    It’s not that someone is sitting in a room correlating and judging your choice of picture. It’s just that every aspect of your web browsing that can be cheaply tracked and correlated is tracked and correlated.

    An image that too many people use is likely also correlated, but won’t be heavily weighted in deciding that traffic is yours, because the error rate is too high.

    That’s why I always set my profile image to “Mickey Mouse” while I listen to music by The Beatles. It makes me invisible. Also I just really like Mickey Mouse.

  • No, it’s not the “best kind of correct”, it’s being an asshole.

    That’s the joke, though.

    The character being quoted, from Futurama, is usually insufferable and often miserable.

    Edit: Interestingly, the character is also relatively well liked and generally appreciated by the rest of the Planet Express crew. It’s a pretty nuanced quote, in context. It kind of says “You’re not wrong, and your correction is arguably unnecessary and objectively objectionable, but we love you, anyway.”

  • Fury Unleashed is charming as hell, but it’s the buttery smooth controls that make it so replayable.

    As an old-school platform and bullet hell player, I don’t play many modern platform or bullet hell games, because I’ve been spoiled by tight controls from the 8-bit era, and so many modern games don’t match the responsiveness.

    But I found Fury Unleashed incredibly accessible, mostly because the controls are so responsive.

  • I’ve not worked with a marketing team where that would work, but maybe it will for some.

    I’ve never been anywhere that I thought it would work, but it ultimately did, almost everywhere.

    I’ve found it takes a few iterations, but the marketing folks in on it love being the ones who actually can reliably deliver on their promises.

    It doesn’t work for the marketers that promise whatever they please without talking to dev, but I don’t find them to be worthwhile professional allies, so I don’t sweat it.

    It doesn’t change the “massive customer will only renew if” scenario, though.

    Very true. It doesn’t help with that case, and that one does happen. I’ve had the best luck saying “we don’t do that, but we’re scrambling to add it” in that situation.