• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Further into the article he says that, "It would be irresponsible of me not to mention that plenty of experts in cosmology or GR would not put it in these terms. We all agree on the science; there are just divergent views on what words to attach to the science. In particular, a lot of folks would want to say “energy is conserved in general relativity, it’s just that you have to include the energy of the gravitational field along with the energy of matter and radiation and so on.” "

    So energy is conserved on the whole, it’s just not conserved if you consider photons apart from their greater context.

  • “The planet’s atmosphere would feature something akin to Earth’s water cycle, but instead with sand cycling between solid and gaseous states. From the hotter, lower levels of the atmosphere, with temperatures close to 1,000C, silicate vapour would rise up, cool and form microscopic grains of sand, too small to see. Eventually, these clouds of sand dust would become dense enough that they begin to rain back down to the lower layers of the atmosphere. Below a certain level, the sand would sublime back into vapour, completing the cycle.”