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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Oh, speaking of scifi, I read another article (which I cant find now, unfortunately) about space walks: astronauts can’t just climb into a space suit and exit the space station, because that would cause decompression sickness. They have to undergo about 24 hours of preparation, then spend time in a decompression chamber once they re-enter the station. I can’t find the article I read atm, but here’s one from space.com that talks about it:

    About 24 hours before the spacewalk, astronauts undergo decompression, the same procedure divers follow when returning from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the water. Inside the space station, air is pressurized to the same degree as it is on Earth at sea level: 14.7 pounds per square inch, or 1 atmosphere.

    But inside a spacesuit it’s 4.3 psi, according to NASA, which is about the same pressure experienced at 30,000 feet (9,000 meters) above Earth. Experiencing a rapid drop in pressure from 14.7 to 4.3 psi causes nitrogen bubbles to form in the bloodstream and get stuck, blocking blood flow — a condition known as “the bends” or decompression sickness. To avoid the condition, astronauts camp out the night before in a closet-sized airlock while wearing their space suit so their bodies have time to adjust to the change in pressure.

    Source: Spacewalks: How they work and major milestones

    e: Sandra Bullock would have died of decompression sickness pretty quickly.