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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2023

  • Alright, not that I wrote or implied that anywhere… In fact Java was probably the whole reason Oracle bought Sun to gain leverage over Android. Which fits very much into what I wrote - one company innovates, another one buys them to squeeze users (Google wasn’t a customer of Sun, they used their own implementation which wasn’t exactly Java but also not exactly anything else). Just that Sun by all means wasn’t a small company, I mean they controlled almost a full stack with their own processors (SPARC), workstations and servers (Blade was somewhat famous), an operating system with Solaris (and if you want to count it even JavaOS) and Java on top of those, and they contributed a lot of technology like NFS, ZFS (license discussions aside). On the other hand, when they bought someone, the product wasn’t just milked to death, but actually integrated into their stack and continued to be developed in the open.

    Shame it turned out that way, I guess Sun was a bit overleveraged with how much they did vs. how much they made from it. And to think that Oracle paid less than a fifth than what Twitter sold for later for all of that technology to go to waste, just for a chance to sue Google… But we long as suits continue to license their stuff because they have cool advertisements at airports, this will keep going.

  • Oracle was never really innovative on a technical level , it’s first and foremost a company focused on selling licenses, and they’re really innovative in that regard but if you fall for that as a company, I have no pity, this is their whole schtick.

    Big companies in general are often rather conservative in nature while innovation happens on smaller scale and later expands.

    The big problem is rather that a lot of innovation has been absorbed by the big companies via buyouts, especially when money was cheap to borrow. Innovation bears risk, buying an established solution and milking existing users much less so.

    I don’t think the users are without blame. A lot of people ignore the red flags when a solution is just convenient enough (we need the commercial support / this exactly covers our use case so we don’t have to hire someone to adapt it / …) and the vendor then cashes out when moving away from his solution would be really expensive.

    I think there’s still a lot of innovation lately, but a lot people are just looking for the next big thing that does everything it feels like.

  • I am currently running Jellyfin on Btrfs and there is quite a performance impact due to CoW. If 2 clients decide to browse the libraries, both clients grind to a near standstill with regards to being able to see things.

    CoW is not recommended for databases, all DB servers advise for turning it off for the actual database. You’ll run into the same issue with a dedicated database if you leave CoW on I guess. You could also disable CoW for jellyfin’s database right now and performance should increase.

    I also follow the progress of a dedicated DB, but on the other hand I don’t know how much sense it makes architecturally. The likeliness that you have multiple jellyfin server instances access the same database is low - after all, there is info very specific to the server in there like the file path. Just migration is already not easy, how likely is sharing the database live? And if each database is specific to an instance - why not use SQLite (like it’s done right now) and allow for more specific parameter tuning, like used memory and the like?

  • In addition to what was already said - use Firefox instead of anything chromium-based - I think it’s equally important to stop using the services offered by big tech companies and not just try to keep using them on our terms. Google wants me to watch a ton of ads on YouTube? Fine, I’ll stop watching it. In fairness, on my smart TV, YouTube ads have been what I consider adequate, while Twitch can be a disaster. The alternatives already exist with Peertube and Owncast. Are they perfect yet? Far from it probably but there won’t be big improvements if nobody uses it.

  • And honestly the example you gave is rather a good example of a remake. The PS2 is 20 years old at this point. If the game was well made and the remake/ remaster is well-executed? Why would anyone object to this?

    New and exciting games exist. This isn’t an issue. In most cases I’d even say that while money surely is important, in most cases it’s not a lack of money preventing a good game, but rather another issue that might lead to funds running out. If that makes sense.

    The current situation is way better than say 25-30 years ago, and those games weren’t exactly trash.

    1. It doesn’t really explain how it works and what you need on the receiving side. I use a Linux PC and reading the instructions always seemed somewhat convoluted, which makes sense - a proper way to enable your phone as a webcam would need functionality that requires root privileges in my opinion.
    2. The android app is closed source, which I try to avoid. Not a big problem but I’d prefer something open.

    So no big points, but I’d prefer a native solution, as in plug in your phone on PC and have a full webcam available as a source in every program.

  • yEnc isn’t a cipher, but rather an encoding for mapping binary to text, similar to base64 (but much more effective). So this denotes yEncc encoding.

    The files you’re seeing are PAR2 files, which are used for repairing. They’re useless without the base file. The file in your example contains 32 recovery blocks. That means if your base file has 32 or less damaged blocks, this parity file can repair it.

    Usually, you’d download all files belonging together in a single download and let your downloader do the rest. This is normally done by loading an NZB file that you either get from a Usenet search engine or an indexer.