Yeah that sums it up thanks
Yeah that sums it up thanks
Just looked at the Wikipedia page. What is the reason for so many fucking scales?
I got it from eBay and I am working on a refund/return. Hopefully it works out.
If you consider the Bounce Theory, you have until the universe resets and bounces back to the due date to finish.
Tell the pilot to cross into another time zone so you have an extra hour. Just make sure they don’t go the wrong direction.
Kinda the point of doing so mething for the first time isn’t?
Ehh, I can get a replacement for pretty cheap and have the shell swapped by someone who knows what they’re doing.
That might be it, though I believed I used plastic tools. The only thing I unplugged was the cable that runs between the two plastic panels.
That’s possible, but my initial repair didn’t involve touching the battery at all. I only messed with the other side where the anchor is for the tablet.
Yeah it’s got no signs of life, even when connected directly. I opened it to replace the plastic clips that lock the joycons onto the tablet, as after only a few months they had worn down to the point of being useless. I could have sent it to Nintendo and that would have probably been the smarter option, but I noticed IFixit sold metal replacements and the job seemed simple enough. I did the replacement on both joycons and right after they both worked fine. It was only the next morning that the purple one ceased function. My red/scarlet one still works fine.
Bought a Hori split pad for a temporary replacement and it worked fine… Until the opposite side stopped working lol. I know the tablet is fine though because one of the split pads works and one of the joy cons works at the same time.
Surface friction