• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • I do, I try to do as much creation as I can to exercise those skills, but having some prepared adventures to steal things from makes it a lot easier. Like going to the gym with a professionally made program before learning to write your own programming. And I don’t want stuff so pre-prepared that I don’t ever learn to make my own stuff - I’m not so much just running the pre-made stuff as I am dissecting it, trying to understand it, and taking what I like to plug into my game.

    When I have prompt or encounter ideas I write them down in a notebook and flesh them out later, but a lot of the time when I sit down to prep it’s hard to think of things out of thin air. I’m getting a lot better at creating new things and integrating things the more we play.

    So yeah, any resources on how to better design stuff is very welcome too. I have watched a lot of the Matthew Colville running the game videos that have helped a lot (especially the “Prep Can Be Literally Easy and Actually Fun” video)

    Something like Storycaster looks interesting. I have heard of some other story prompt / plot cards (Fabula and Narata) and I might look into those too… That kind of thing is exactly what I’m looking for. Something that can help me generate ideas to flesh out into encounters or side quests that I can keep in my GM notes and stick in different locations so when the players decide to go into the mountains instead of the forests I have a general idea of what might be there…

  • This is awesome and I will definitely save this for reference as there are a few 2d6 systems I want to try out, but Hero Kids is even more basic than a 2d6 system, at least as far as I understand them.

    Your stat pools are basically just the number of d6 you get to roll, and you just take the higher number. Every successful hit deals 1 damage (health pools are between 1-4, 1 being like a weak minion or a spider egg or something, 4 being a leveled up hero or a boss). So higher stat just means you are basically rolling with more advantage, more chances to get a higher number, but you always only use the highest dice.

    So a hero with 3 melee attack would roll 3 d6 and take the highest number, and that is their attack roll. If they are attacking a creature with 1 defense, the GM would roll 1 d6 - if the attackers highest dice is equal to or higher than the defenders dice, the attack hits and the target takes 1 damage. Otherwise nothing happens.

    I think the best way to convert something like 5e stat blocks into this would be to just say - is this monster supposed to be easy, medium, or hard - and then just copy a stat block from a hero kids monster that is similar to what you want. There is a pretty good monster compendium for hero kids so for a lot of creatures I can just use those directly.

    I’m less concerned about copying stat blocks directly than I am about just having good narrative / story content, like NPCs and locations. Having never read any other RPG content besides Hero Kids (and perusing a D&D Players handbook a bit) I don’t know how much of the adventures are story content that works everywhere vs just “This place has monsters with these stat blocks” that is D&D specific or requires conversion.

    I didn’t realize that DnD Beyond had free adventures, so I will definitely check that out, and that will probably give me the information I need on whether or not I’d like to spend money on other 5e adventures.

  • I use Cura 5.4 and the only changes I made were to the start and end gcode for the machine (per the guild I linked). After that, I did a few prints with my regular profiles, then started cranking up the speed a little at a time. So really the only setting I changed was the print speed and start / end gcode.

    The printer handled everything else - honestly it feels a little like magic to me, even though it’s just software. I’m a software engineer so I feel like I should have a better grasp of it, but printer firmware is pretty far outside of the type of work I do. One thing I do know is that Klipper manages acceleration itself and doesn’t use the acceleration gcodes sent from the slicer - those get ignored and Klipper decides how fast to accelerate (this is configurable using moonraker or the config files).

    I think the thing that makes the most difference in letting you print at higher speeds is the input shaping. I don’t understand all the inner workings, but it using the processing power on the raspberry pi to compensate for the vibration of the printer, letting you print much faster without getting artifacts in the print that affect quality. Here is some info on that

    I’m sure there are a lot of slicer and Klipper configurations that I can do to improve things even more as well

  • Good article. I have worked as a dev for over 10 years and have seen a LOT of really complicated spaghetti code that was only maintained by individuals in silos. Some used to joke about “job security” but I would rather my life not be a living nightmare unable to take vacation without keeping my work phone on me at all times because I’m the single person that knows how to fix a mission critical system. I’ve been there. It sucks for new people but it also sucks for the keepers of the tribal knowledge. It’s exhausting.

    Training, documenting, refactoring and replacing to eliminate that is good for everyone. If you are a good dev you won’t have to keep tribal knowledge to stay employed.