Strands #276 “I now pronounce you …” 💡🔵💡🔵 💡🔵🔵💡 🔵💡🔵🟡
Strands #276 “I now pronounce you …” 💡🔵💡🔵 💡🔵🔵💡 🔵💡🔵🟡
Strands #275 “Lead the way” 💡🔵🔵🔵 💡🔵💡🔵 🟡
Strands #273 “Old hang-ups” 🔵💡🔵🔵 💡🔵🔵🔵 🟡
Strands #271 “Give me a break” 🔵💡🔵🔵 🔵🟡🔵🔵 🔵
Strands #269 “Come fly with me” 🔵🔵🔵🟡 🔵🔵🔵
Strands #268 “Open-and-shut case” 💡🔵💡🔵 🟡🔵🔵🔵 🔵
Strands #267 “Plan on it” 🔵💡🔵💡 🔵💡🔵🔵 🔵💡🔵🟡
Strands #266 “Start small” 💡🔵💡🔵 🔵💡🔵💡 🔵🟡🔵🔵 🔵
So cute.
Strands #265 “Did you hear that?” 🔵🔵🔵💡 🔵🔵🟡💡 🔵🔵
Strands #264 “This is the place!” 🔵💡🔵🔵 💡🔵🟡🔵 🔵
Strands #263 “You’re getting warm” 🔵🔵🟡🔵 🔵🔵🔵🔵
Strands #262 “For our furry friends” 💡🔵🔵💡 🔵🟡🔵💡 🔵🔵💡🔵
Strands #261 “Pick-ups” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🟡🔵🔵🔵
Strands #258 ““Oh, you!”” 💡🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵💡🔵 🟡
Strands #256 “Name of the game” 💡🔵💡🔵 💡🔵🔵🔵 💡🔵🟡
Strands #255 “We’re walking” 💡🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🟡🔵
Strands #254 “Spell it out” 🔵💡🔵🔵 🔵🔵💡🔵 🔵🟡
Strands #277 “Gonna fly now!” 💡🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🟡🔵