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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Ask and ye shall receive


  • Aggregate data doesn’t mean no client side data. It’s possible they’re collecting aggregate level client data too. They could go further and collect data on individuals that is not identifiable or useful to law enforcement in any way. I can think of a few ways to get anonymous usage data that allows you to improve your service while protecting your users. I don’t know their scheme but they clearly don’t need overly invasive forms of analytics as they have a solid service.

  • If you have the technical knowledge (or ability to follow instructions) you can setup your torrents behind a VPN using qBittorrent and gluetun in one docker container, and Plex/Jellyfin in another with a shared volume between them. It provides you near bullet proof protection due to the isolated environment and prevents accidentally clicking those .mp4.exes since it abstracts file management away from you. It’s also super user friendly once set up even if you’re not running a media server 24/7 and just want it for your desktop.

    If you wanna get fancy you can use the *arr suite of software to do some magic fairy shit including automatic indexing (searching dozens of torrent sites simultaneously), but that can quickly become a deep rabbit hole. Once setup though it’s seamless and kicks ass.

  • Not OP, but my main preference for MacOS comes from the UI/UX of an absolute rock solid OS on top of a unix-like shell. I regularly go months without rebooting my machine with 0 issues like software hanging on wake.

    I know there are a lot of exclusive creative apps, but all I really use my MacBook for is code, typical browser stuff, music, slicer/web interface for my 3D printer, and to interact with my home server. I’m not an open-source/Linux purist by any means, but pretty much all the software I use is widely available on all platforms. It probably helps that I bought a MacBook after growing up with Windows/Linux, so I came into it with a set of software I was familiar with that already existed on other platforms.

  • Just because you’re not writing high performance software doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be a consideration. Sure, I’m not gonna micro-optimize memory when I’m writing an API in Python, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to write it efficiently.

    If I have to store and then do lookups on some structured data I’m gonna use a hash table to store it instead of an array. If I need to contact a DB multiple times I’m only gonna close my connection after the last query. None of this is particularly difficult, but knowing when to use certain DSA principles efficiently falls pretty firmly into the computer science realm.

    If you need someone to hyper-optimize some computations then a mathematician might be a better bet, but even those problems are rarely mathematician level difficult. Generally software engineers have taken multivariate calculus/differential equations/linear algebra, so we’re decently well versed in math. Doesn’t mean we don’t hate the one time a year we have to pull out some gradients or matrices though.

  • They’re so user friendly we opted to get my brother’s girlfriend’s 10 year-old sister one instead of a Switch. So instead of having 2-3 $40-$70 Switch games she got access to my Steam library through Family Share (limited to ~60 age-appropriate games), and 20 Switch games emulated through Yuzu setup by EmuDeck.

    We’re also teaching her how to do all of this which will give her a huge advantage when it comes to using computers in the future, and allow her to emulate any games she would like going forward.

  • I’ve had the opposite experience at my past and current job.

    I’ve always been given the choice of Windows or MacOS, with a remote Linux machine available if needed (first job I ran remote IDEs on it, second job I’ve gone full local development). Same with IDEs. As long as I was able to properly write and test code it did not matter what I used as both companies had licenses for the top IDEs (JetBrains suite, Visual Studio, etc.), and would buy one-offs if you wanted to use something else. There was always a general team convention simply due to ease of use, but I occasionally opted for a heavily modified VSCode workspace over PyCharm and the like.