Looks amazing, but I really wanted amd so I could make a chimeraOS gaming console
Looks amazing, but I really wanted amd so I could make a chimeraOS gaming console
Kingaroon K3PS, dip your toes in first a little.
I was using bazzite pre 3.5 release and it was very cool. It can make sense for users that spend a lot of time in desktop mode and linux already. Though i wouldnt suggest it for everyone.
Switching back to steam os is relatively painless.
I think the intention is for it to have deep grooves and lines like that to mimic a wood texture. But to us it just looks like big bad layer lines
41k -> 60k -> 70k -> 85k -> 100k -> 110k (2018-2023) That 41 -> 60 felt huge. 60 -> 70 felt like a drop, it was a job change and I lost overtime and we were paid every 2 weeks instead of twice a month. (26 paychecks instead of 24)
These days, what makes all the difference are the bonus programs. My income is generally 25% higher than my base through company stock programs, bonuses and high performance grants.
Good time to try out Gotdot.
If you want direct play of the file, play around with different clients. Encoding 4k can be taxing on a system. Some jellyfin clients just don’t support the media format for direct pass through.