Sounds like we need to define “peer”. What happens when ChatGPT starts peer reviewing ChatGPT papers?
Sounds like we need to define “peer”. What happens when ChatGPT starts peer reviewing ChatGPT papers?
Well then we won’t be chasing this technology until we can find a way to blame the consumer when it wrecks the environment…
Or will leaving it cause the higher density of bodies to slow the trolley resulting in slower killing in the lifetime of the universe… which either way is infinite deaths?
Sorry, but technically you would kill infinite people, which while twice as many as infinite people is still the same amount of infinite people…
Might I suggest getting infinite doctors to try and rescue some run over people so they can in fact go to the end of the line and be killed a second…maybe even infinite times.
I was at a Cracker Barrel last night and among the random shit on their walls was an old checker board. The border of the board, taking the majority of the space available, was covered in ads. I guess it never changes.
That’s why film piracy slowed for a while there - when people weren’t being gouged they were happy to pay what they felt was reasonable. But now that the gouging is back… yo ho ho.
Or the notch… Both of which demand to be ridiculed, though.
This is like eating bugs. Everyone eats bugs all the time, it is awareness of the bugs and bug to food ratio that tends to cause hesitation.