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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzExcuse me, René
    6 months ago

    Don’t tell me what I want, and don’t tell me you’re sorry. Do you think I actually came here to abuse people? Do you think I’m that fucked up? Are you trying to tell me what to think? I know what happens next door, and you’re not going to get me involved with that weird sick shit that you’re clearly involved with. Maybe that would fly with your other friends, but it’s not going to here. Why don’t you just take your weird sicko bullshit next door and tell them about my abuse huh? Yak it up with all your sick ignorant friends, and pat each other on the back while crying abuse. I’m sure you’ll all have a really fucking nice time. Really. Go ahead and have a good time. Is that what you want to hear? Because if I say anything otherwise I’m the fucking asshole right? Well fuck you. I’m done. Got it? I’m done.

  • I got some Google home mini devices and now none of them work to do basically anything of value. Actually I shouldn’t say now, they stopped doing the basic functions I wanted them for around 2 years ago.

    Telling it to play a show on TV doesnt work, which is essentially why I bought them. The most they can do now is basic on and off functions. They were constantly going off at random times when no one was talking. They have now become fancy looking paperweights.

    I also have Google TV which is slowly becoming worse and worse. I recently bought my kids Rokus because they had all the same functions as Google but without the microphone remote. They were half the price and are working better than my Google TV.

  • I have experienced it, and in my experience it was in no way possible for it to be confirmation bias. My wife and I sometimes do something weird where we just talk for hours. Crazy I know, but we bounce ideas off each other to an extent that we get into conversations about stuff we have never talked about nor ever searched for. Not even anything remotely close to related to things we search for.

    We used to have and use a lot of Google home minis. Within hours we would see ads for the exact thing we were talking about. We would see ads for thing related to conversations we had within hours. We started getting hyper vigilant about it. We started randomly talking clearly and loudly about nonsense subjects and products that we have no sense to talk about and waiting to see how long it would take to see a suggested ad pushed to us by Google. It usually took less than 24 hours no matter what it was. This went on for months.

    It became a running joke to us and I would walk into the room and say something like “I would love to buy a farberware brand vegetable peeler. There is nothing more that I would like than to purchase farberware brand appliances and homewares”. My wife would laugh, and usually before the end of the night I would have large targeted ads on my phone for farberware appliances.

    Honestly since we stopped using the Google home minis (since they barely work with anything due to googles bullshit software support) it happens far far less.

  • IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.eetoChat@beehaw.org*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    I am loving that it doesn’t feel like reddit, and it’s really weird to me that anyone does while they are also screaming about how terrible reddit was in every way. It seems like a lot of people are forgetting that the reason reddit sucks is because most of the communities are too big and have been around too long.

    Large groups of people with a shared interest are not welcoming, they are condescending. They are jaded and have “seen it all” and have no qualms telling others that they are anything from inexperienced to inept. Any opinion outside of the norm is attacked with vitriol. New members questions might only get a response to “set them straight”. They reinforce echo chambers just to feel superior, while claiming that they aren’t echo chambers because they are constantly arguing with other people. The whole concept of a normal conversation is lost on them because they can’t separate their ego from their demeanor. They take circle jerking so seriously that they can’t even circle jerk anymore and have to uj/ every comment. They can’t use sarcasm because there are so many hateful people that would agree with them.

    I’m not trying to say “back in my day frankfurters were a nickel” but even ten years ago, the infighting, briggading, downvote wars, smugness, and soul filled anger and negativity on reddit was so much lessened that it doesn’t even feel like the same website. It feels like I’m reading YouTube comments. What used to be a place where people might disagree with you, but at most they would just make fun of your bad grammar, or misspelling, is now just a website full of hate mongerers trying to divide people into groups.

    Here on Lemmy feels to me like the old days of reddit. I can feel free to comment on whatever post I feel like and don’t have to worry about someone coming at me full bore, just to try to make me feel bad that I like to eat American cheese on my breakfast sandwich, or like the feeling of wet socks on carpet.

    Sorry for the rant.

  • On a tangential note, this is the same reason I will not buy a phone without expandable storage. The cheapest statistic of a phone is now the difference between a $800 phone and a $1200 phone. For $30 I can double my storage, but that is not ok for manufacturers, especially when they can make $5 a month for 1G of space, that requires internet access, from millions of people. Learning that most people have to pick and choose memorable pictures and videos just because they run out of space is horrendous to me. The companies know that data storage will increase over time for every user, and they are banking on everyone banking their data in a more insecure manner, with them, at an ever increasing rate. I refuse to have my memories and heartfelt data held hostage by bullshit companies that can’t even support their own devices for more than 5 years.