Let go and let entropy. 🌌

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I’d love for him to give this some attention. It’s been mentioned for quite a while. A couple channels just added a new bot which uses spoiler tags to hide excessive information. now it makes these ridiculously huge comments for every single post…

    This is what it looks like for me on Boost: Sample of the bot comments

    Would love love love to see markdown support updated particularly for spoiler tags.

  • Yes! I just confirmed that notes and notebooks move to the new trashcan! So grateful! 💜

    I had to rollback my database just last week because my son managed to accidentally delete a whole notebook on his phone and was pretty upset. I resolved that, but was once again so frustrated with the lack of trash. Now this will be a thing of the past! 🎉🥳

    Also noticed undo and redo buttons for the first time. That was killing me just as much!

    Two birds with one stone it seems!, (either that or I’m blind 😁)

  • There is a lot great about this article, but it’s hard to keep completely positive in light of the many horrific abuses that have taken place within the Scouts. Youth organizations and religious organizations are highly susceptible to this. Scouting America has gone to great lengths to reform and protect youth today, but the stain will be there for a long time especially since abuse still happens (this just reported on days ago).

    To be frank, it’s a tense thing for me. Scouts was great for me in my youth and today as I’m involved with my children. However, I’m always on guard and paying attention. Whether it’s scouts or some other youth organization, they are vulnerable. I teach my kids to pay attention and remain ever vigilant. As great as such organisations can be, they are very very susceptible to predators.