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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • People say this a lot and I believe it’s based on this quote:

    I pop the video in, and wow… Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps… Wow. [I felt like] I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn’t mine anymore… It really made me think about how powerful music is as a medium and art form. I wrote some words and music in my bedroom as a way of staying sane, about a bleak and desperate place I was in, totally isolated and alone. [Somehow] that winds up reinterpreted by a music legend from a radically different era/genre and still retains sincerity and meaning — different, but every bit as pure.

    Many people seem to interpret “that song isn’t mine anymore” to mean “that song is now Cash’s”. But here’s another quote:

    Then I got a CD in the post. I listened to it and it was very strange. It was this other person inhabiting my most personal song. I’d known where I was when I wrote it. I know what I was thinking about. I know how I felt. Hearing it was like someone kissing your girlfriend. It felt invasive.

    To me, that doesn’t sound like he’s saying it’s Cash’s song now or that Cash’s version is better. It’s more that Cash proved to him that even though this was a deeply personal song about his own life and struggles that he’s not the only one capable of doing it justice. He realized that other talented artists can take that song about him and transform it into a song about them. The song’s not his anymore because it could be anyone’s song.

  • I’m pretty happy with the way this colony turned out so I thought I’d share.

    I know this part may be controversial, but I’m not a big fan of struggling to survive or playing on hard difficulties or even combat in general. I just like to build happy little (mostly) peaceful villages. Especially after installing the Hospitality mod, these types of colonies have been my main style of playing.

    Sometimes I start a colony with a really specific idea in mind regarding the ideology, xenotype, biome, etc. but this time I kept it pretty simple. The only thing I had in mind was that I wanted a colony that was really into fishing. I have had the fishing mod installed for awhile now, but it was always just a little side thing and never my main source of food. So I created a very simple ideology that consists of just the Fishing Culture meme from Vanilla Ideology Expanded.

    For the colony location, I obviously needed a tile that includes water. I could have used a tile with a river, but for a hardcore fishing colony a coastal tile along a sea or ocean seemed like a better fit. As soon as I saw that location on the peninsula, I immediately knew that’s where I wanted to be. Water on three sides of the colony was perfect and there were several trading partners nearby. Year round growing with a temperature range of 60-93F (15-34C) so extreme temperature was never an issue other than a few times really early on when heatwaves caused some minor inconveniences. I’m always happy to see granite and marble available (and it also had limestone which I used for anything anything that didn’t need extra hit points or beauty).

    The colony name actually came from me just clicking on the Random button a bunch of times. It was totally perfect and I accepted it without any hesitation. Another serendipitous moment came when I was building the fish temple. I hadn’t planned on having a fish temple when I started the colony, but when it came time for me to build a temple I decided to branch out and do something a little different from my usual rectangular buildings and went with the fish shape instead. Then when I went to place the ideogram and kneel pillows, both of which were just the random defaults I got when created the ideology, I realized they worked perfectly as the eye and fin for the fish. I can’t imagine it looking as good if it had randomly assigned a different ideogram or kneel sheets or pews. When I went to build the throne room later, I couldn’t figure out how to make the furniture look good inside the whale which is why I ended up just building it as essentially two separate sections.

    Also I loved the way the two meteorites at the top of the map make the peninsula look like a wispy spirit. I like to think of him as the spirit of the peninsula.

  • It makes more sense when you realize it’s based on code.golf submissions. No one is going to create a class like that for a code golf problem. They’re probably not going to create any classes (other than one just to hold the main function).

    I’m pretty sure I can do the Fibonnaci one with less code than your simple class. Because these problems are simple enough they don’t benefit from any OOP stuff so you avoid most of the syntactic overhead.

    I am surprised it’s not higher in the list since the overhead of setting up a main method is still quite significant compared to most languages. But other than that, these problems can be solved without running into any egregious examples of overhead.