I’m from space!

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • This is like telling your neighbor that you like pie, and after work, and after the kids are put to bed, they spend the night baking you a pie using the apples that grow in their yard.

    When they come over with the warm pie that they went out of their way to bake, you say that you prefer cherry pie, then complain about having to go to the same old bakery to get a cherry pie.

    Just say thank you, take the pie, and give it to someone who will appreciate it. And if you want cherry pie, offer to help out when they bake next and bring some damn cherries.

  • Yeah, there might be a way to make it work by fiddling with color values. Green next to blue can be tough, but it’s not impossible. The trick will be finding a green and blue that are also complimentary and don’t create a pallet that looks like a McDonald’s ball pit.

    If you’re new to color theory, do a Google search for color theory / color pallet tools. There are a lot of good ones out there. Adobe has a nice free one.

    You might also be able to represent land another way. Like using a shape or illustration instead or color.

    That said, as someone who’s been doing this for few decades now and directs some design teams, my advice is to keep symbolism to like 2 or 3 things. One you go over that, it can really be easy to get messy harder to pull off. Just my 2¢.

    That said, I like where you’re going with this. Will this be officially adopted by the area?

  • Quick tweak

    Green and blue are pretty close to each other on the color spectrum, and they blend together at a distance. I would simplify and remove either the land or the water. They won’t blend into each other, and you still have more than enough symbolism.

    The stoke on the wine glass is super smart. I like it. But I agree with the other commenter who recommended unifying the semi circle fill sizes. It simplifies the layout.

    I would also pump up the stroke on the wine glass so that is reads a bit better from a distance. Also, that stroke is clever, so play that element up.

  • Fact of the matter is that these mods are not lawyers, and even if they were not liable, they would not have the means to fight this in court if someone falsely, or legitimately, claimed they were liable. They’re hobbits with day jobs.

    I also mod a few large communities here, and if I’m ever in that boat, I would also jump. I have other shit to do, and I don’t have the time or energy to fight trolls like that.

    If this was Reddit, I’d let all the paid admins, legal, PR, SysOps, engineers and UX folks figure it out. But this isn’t Reddit. It’s all on the hobbyist mods to figure it out. Many are not going to have the energy to put up with it.