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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2024


  • The problem with dynamic typing is you can’t always figure out what the type is even with investigation as it can be lots of things based on what is passed or returned. It also allows incorrect values to be passed.

    People will indeed make that readability argument but if the type is not obvious and important to understanding the code then it likely shouldn’t be used there.

  • auto isn’t dynamic typing it’s just type inference. It still has a fixed type you just don’t have to write it. Like var in C#.

    Lambdas are just a way of defining methods in place. It has nothing to do with callbacks.

    But you’re spot on for memory safety. Managing it yourself is risky and if it can be managed at zero cost it seems stupid not to.

  • I think the point is they aren’t forcing it at all. It’s being used with the blessing of Linux Jesus and the others are just throwing their toys out of the pram because they don’t want to learn it.

    Someone else linked the video on this post. They are rude as hell and the rust dev isn’t even asking them to use it.

    Again I think that’s a bad attitude towards technology. Use the best tool for the job and you’d get used to the syntax pretty quickly.

    It’s like someone who started on python not wanting to learn a c style language.

  • It is literally being pushed for its technical merits and traits.

    Memory safe code with comparable performance in the kernel seems like an absolute no brainer.

    Also if you watch the video all he’s asking for is consistent interfaces for the file systems. He’s not even trying to get them to use rust. And the guy starts screeching about how he’ll code however he wants.

    Is it wrong to expect a consistent and well documented interface?

    Pretty sure C is actually being pushed against its technical merits here.

  • I would say being more inclusive is bringing value.

    There’s a massive issue with women being under-represented in STEM and little things like this only further cement that.

    It’s casual sexism. I’m not suggesting they are intentionally hating on women.

    Assuming it’s a man because it’s programming is fundamentally sexist.

    What downsides would they be?

  • Start with a git GUI application. I use git extensions on windows.

    You’ll be able to get a feel for how it all works and it actually shows you the commands it’s running.

    I also use bingai a lot when learning. The more specific your question the more likely you are to run into hallucinations and that. But for explaining basic concepts or query things that are well documented it’s really good.

    It also sources it’s answers so you can follow the link for further reading if needed.

    Just don’t trust it to generate large amounts of code.